Farah Gad

Farah Gad
Farah Gad


Offerings: Holistic Health Practitioner
Types of Sessions: 1:1 online or in person consultations + holistic protocols

Hi, I'm Farah! My biggest passion is helping people feel deeply alive. I offer Down to Earth health coaching that gets to the root cause of dis-ease. My work revolves around quantum & circadian biology, ancestral holistic nutrition, and mitochondrial health. My coaching and knowledge is the missing link when it comes to what the body truly needs in order to achieve vitality. The body can heal from absolutely anything and the Earth and nature provide everything we need to create the right environment. The body operates at a quantum level and we can influence it at a quantum level in order to give it what it needs to thrive. There's a lot of complex information out there and it can all get a bit whacky and overwhelming. But you see, human health is actually very simple and is built upon the foundation of four things: light, electrons, water, and mitochondria. Without a strong foundation, we can be eating all the superfoods but can still be struggling with our health, or simply lacking a zest for living.

Want to try it for yourself? Wake up at sunrise and expose your naked eyes to the sunlight prior to viewing any artificial light. Do it everyday for 7 days. There will be a powerful shift in your health.

It is just as important to start with the mind, because what we think creates our reality. We have more neurons communicating from our heart to our brain, than from our brain to our heart and therefore, what we feel can drastically change our physical state and reality.

My coaching combines all foundational aspects to help you heal and become a healthier and happier version of you!


  • Serves: Anywhere Virtually