Sydney Brawley

Sydney Brawley
Sydney Brawley


Offerings: Sound Healing
Types of Sessions: 1:1, Groups & Events

Sydney is a healing practitioner based in Quincy, Massachusetts. She graduated from Salem State University in nursing, and is now registered nurse (RN) in Nurse Practitioner school with a holistic perspective in guiding the client in healing their mind, body, and spirit.

Over the years, Sydney dove into her own holistic healing practice in being able to live a more balanced, healthy lifestyle, and has developed a passion for various holistic healing modalities. After attending an off the grid yoga retreat, she was called inwards and towards sound healing during this trip to Costa Rica, where she was able to use this modality in her own personal healing journey herself. From there, Sydney sought out multiple healing modalities and became a 200 hour Registered Yoga teacher, a Reiki II practitioner in addition to becoming a certified sound practitioner. Sydney’s passion for sound healing lies in using various instruments, meditation, and breath work in a session, specifically crystal quartz singing bowls intentionally attuned 432 Hz frequency designed to help guide those in lessening emotional blockages while promoting emotional clarity.

A huge part of her holistic practice includes living a lifestyle that is intentional, leading by example while also flexible. Practicing as an RN working rotating shifts and days of the week, a morning routine and nervous system regulation has been an ongoing process. Practices that have helped Sydney lean into her own healing through the light and shadow are mirror gazing, getting lost in nature, heart opening practice with ceremonial cacao weekly, a fluid movement practice, self Reiki, sacred ceremony with friends, and living as a cyclic being.

Now Sydney offers sound healing through group events and collaborations with various healers in the Boston area. If you're looking to curate a sound healing event, reach out with her to book. Sound healing can be an amazing way to bring peace, balance and connectedness to your group. A goal of Sydney’s sessions whether 1:1 or group, are to create an experience in which your body receives a ‘vibrational sound massage’ which elects relaxation and helps your transition into a deep restorative state of being.

Interested in learning how to incorporate sound healing into your own practice? Leaning towards a shift in lifestyle and want to learn more? Follow Sydney on social media to keep up with her and her community. She's always posting food for thought and various resources surrounding holistic healing. When you're looking to get in touch with the higher self through sound healing & various other modalities, Sydney is a great practitioner to look to. She is truly leading a beautiful practice and we're so glad to be able to highlight her work.


  • Serves: Anywhere Virtually + Boston, MA with Events & Sessions
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