All About Natural Resin Incense: How to Source + Use in Practice

May 16, 2024

Let’s dive into all things resin incense! Resin is commonly used today for a natural approach to cleansing + finding balance. Resin used as natural incense, or in herbal apothecary blends, can have such incredible healing benefits.

Today we’re going to chat specifically about using resin as natural incense: how to find, how to use, what you’ll need and all things in between. If you’ve been wanting to get into resin incense, sourcing resin based on intention + support, and start cleansing with natural plant matter – this blog is for you!

What is Natural Resin Incense?

Natural resin incense comes from tree sap or plant resins and has been used for centuries in various cultures for spiritual, medicinal, and aromatic purposes. Some common examples of natural resins include copal resin, myrrh resin, frankincense, and benzoin.

Resins are typically harvested by making small incisions in the tree bark, allowing the sap to flow out and solidify into resin over time. This resin is then collected and processed into incense forms such as chunks, tears, or powder.

Cleansing with Resin Incense

Cleansing with natural resin incense involves burning resin over a charcoal tab to release a cleansing smoke, which purifies the energy of a space or person. Here’s a simple guide for what you’ll need and how to cleanse with resin.

What You’ll Need + Steps to Cleansing

Resin Incense Spread with all Products in Full Shot - SBB

Welcome to my altar :’) Here’s what you’ll need to get started using resin for incense:

  • Heat-safe container designed for charcoal tabs
  • Charcoal tabs
  • Mortar and pestle
  • Small torch
  • Natural resin of choice
  • Small bowl for mixing herbs (if pairing resin with other herbals)
  • Other dried herbs to incorporate in your sacred blend (if desired)

**You CAN just use natural resin alone, and don’t need to necessarily pair with anything else. Paring resin with other herbs can be a special, sacred ritual, and can bring in additional healing benefits to energize and amplify your cleanse. The steps below include blending resin with other herbs, but if you don’t want to do that, just skip the extras!

Here’s a closer look at what I use for resin incense:

Full Product List of Everything Needed for Resin Incense Burning - SBB

Step by Step Instructions: Cleansing with Resin Incense

Step 1: In a small bowl, prepare your resin for cleansing. Using a mortar and pestle, slightly grind the resin into smaller pieces or chunks to facilitate burning.

Step 2: Add in any other dried herbs to your small bowl. Set intentions on your cleanse, bless your blend and set aside. If you don’t want to pair your resin with anything else, skip this step + just set resin aside in small bowl.

Step 3: Prepare your heat-safe container or incense burner designed for use with charcoal.

Step 4: Heat the charcoal tab until it begins to glow, about 15-20 seconds or so depending on your torch/flame.

Step 5: Place a small amount of resin (or herbal resin blend) on top of the charcoal, allowing the smoke to waft through your space.

Step 6: At this point, you can walk through your home or around your space and waft the incense burner in the air. Feel free to set your burner down and let the smoldering fade out naturally.

OPTIONAL: Many people use resin incense before meditation or personal moments, so at this time, consider sitting down comfortably after cleansing, setting intentions, and taking some deep breaths to check in with self. I know that’s not always possible with the flow of life, busy days, and sometimes you just need to cleanse and go. You can enjoy natural resin in both ways!

Choosing Amounts for Single Sessions

When it comes to the amounts of how much herb or resin to use in each incense session, that is up to you. I always find less is more, and you never need as much as you think! Start small and you can always add more to your bowl or blend if need be.

Tutorial Video

Check out the video below, where I go through the process of using natural incense from start to finish! You’ll see me grind some copal, heat my charcoal tab, and walk through my apartment as I cleanse.

Common Types of Resin for Natural Incense

Some common types of resin for natural incense include:


Known for its uplifting and deeply purifying properties, Copal is ideal for enhancing clarity and protection in your sacred space. See the energetic plane differently with Copal burning in your space. Copal is often used in meditation and healing rituals to connect with spirit guides + to aid in meditation and cleansing. It’s also well suited used during times of stress or transition to cleanse the aura and invite divine inspiration.

Hand Taking Copal Resin in Mason Jar out of Cabinet - SBB


Believed to promote relaxation and enhance spiritual awareness, Frankincense is a key resin for achieving deeper meditative states and expanding one’s consciousness. It helps in stabilizing emotions and is often used in rituals to enhance psychic sensitivity and spiritual protection. If part of your healing journey is trusting yourself, listening to your intuition, maybe even tapping into psychic abilities or just generally leading with your heart and soul… Frankincense is for you!

Frankincense Resin in Jar being Take Down from Cabinet Shelf - SBB


Myrrh resin helps strengthen the connection with spiritual self and community. It naturally promotes healing, relaxation, and deep peace. Myrrh resin is great for ceremonies like new moon, full moon, major life transition ceremonies, new beginnings, sisterhood/woman’s circle ceremonies, so many amazing uses and benefits!


Used for its ultra grounding effects, Benzoin is often used in combination with other resins. There are also many different types of Benzoin resin as most resins have different varieties based on the plant/tree. Benzoin is a great resin option when you’re looking for grounding, protection, and peace. It also harmonizes the spirit, so this means it’s a valuable ally in meditation focused on personal growth and accepting our soul mission.

Each type of resin has unique properties that can enhance your spiritual practice and well-being when used mindfully. Many of these resins listed above have different types, so do some research to find which might be best for you.

Resin in Mortar with Pestle Next to Bowl and Bag of Copal Resin - SBB

Where to Get Resin: Sourcing Responsibly

You can source natural resin from various places, like local metaphysical shops or spiritual supply stores that specialize in incense and herbs. If you’re local to Phoenix/Scottsdale, I love Storm Wisdom and Spiritually Bold.

Herbalists or apothecaries that offer a range of natural products for spiritual and holistic wellness would be the ideal spot to source resin, but not everyone has a local apothecary close by.

Many offer products online and ship, so try and go that route! Search for online retailers that specialize in ethically sourced and sustainably harvested resins.

Here’s an example of an online retailer to purchase copal from! If you’re looking to buy wholesale/in bulk, try something like this.

Tips for Sourcing and Harvesting Locally and Online

When purchasing resin, I always try to prioritize ethical sourcing practices to support sustainable harvesting. This goes for buying resin locally/online, or for locally harvesting herbs and plant medicines yourself! Typically I always find you never really need as much as you think, so keep this in mind when ordering/harvesting. If you decide to harvest anything in your area, always adhere to the rule of thumb: leave way more than you take. Never harvest from  a plant in the wild that can’t spare it — always leave enough remaining to ensure sustainability. And while you’re at it, toss in a THANK YOU to the beautiful harvest for giving up some of its goods. It is a wild, living, breathing thing that is sharing with you!

Bag of Frankincense Resin Leaning Up Against Selenite Mushroom on Altar Herbal Workstation - Sit, Breathe, Balance

Why Resin Incense? Benefits and Uses in Practice

Resin is commonly used as natural incense for: cleansing before meditation, spiritual practice, yoga, sacred movement, before creativity, or just a general cleanse when you need it. Different types of resin can provide a deep cleanse of the energy field and help release blockages or stagnant energy.

Aromatherapy + Subconscious Work

Natural resin incense smells amazing, and you can source incense based on intention as well as aroma. Find a resin you like the smell of that reminds you of your roots, or your safe, comfy space. A fragrance you love can positively impact mood, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. It can also be used as a subconscious tool, by finding a comforting smell + using it in times of anxiety or heightened stress to decompress + get back to baseline.

Resin Use Through History

Many cultures have used resin incense as part of rituals, ceremonies, and meditation practices to create sacred spaces and elevate spiritual communities. For example, The Mayans had found copal resin to be sacred, and had used throughout ceremony throughout ancient spiritual practice. Not only used for these herbal concoctions, natural resin has been used as a tool, or glue, by way of its gooey gummy nature making it perfect for binding when heated and dried.

Resin Incense Burner with Ash on Charcoal after Smoldering - SBB

Boost Creativity + Focus

Before getting creative, hunkering down on a task, or flexing your creative muscles, you can turn to natural resin incense to create your vibe and set intentions. Source resin specifically for creativity to cleanse your studio or creative space before working on something. It doesn’t have to be a special project or a special moment, either. Resin helps you bring high, bright energy into your space whenever you need it.

Natural resin is one of the best ways I find to get a major cleanse. It’s a great way to get a deep reset after experiencing different types of energies or balancing multiple responsibilities in a day. It’s also an all around natural plant-based way to cleanse that is good for the mind, body and soul!

Among different ways to cleanse, like sage, cedar, or selenite, I find there is something completely different and transformative about a resin cleanse. You’ll have to try it and see for yourself!

Try it Yourself!

By integrating natural resin incense into your practice, you may just find yourself falling in love with incense and herbs all over again. There are so many options when it comes to choosing and sourcing incense, so I hope this gives you at least a starting point in your natural resin journey!


Author: Elizabeth Weatherby, SBB

About: Elizabeth founded SBB in 2022 as an online space for users to find balance in a natural, approachable way. With interests in several holistic healing modalities and practices, coupled with her experience as a digital marketer, SEO strategist, and true digital nomad, out of this grew Sit, Breathe, Balance. Today SBB highlights holistic healers, practitioners, and studios in your area to make it easy to get involved with your community and access the resources you need to explore and inform your own healing practice. Learn more about her work at SBB.