All About the Chakras: Energy Balancing & 10 Step Guided Body Scan

September 21, 2023

The chakra points and meridians of our bodies are deeply rooted in ancient traditions and Chinese medicine. The practice of understanding the chakras, balancing & cleansing in different ways has been around forever.

In modern spirituality, we are collectively leaning more into being aware of our chakra energy centers, what they do for us, how they work, and most importantly, how to find balance when chakras are blocked.

Let’s talk about all things chakra points, what these energy centers of our bodies are, and how we can scan, meditate, and balance to get back into alignment.

The Essence of Chakras: What are Chakras?

Chakras are energy centers within our bodies, and understanding their significance can lead to rewarding meditation, as well as big transformation along the healing journey.

To understand the essence of chakras, think about it this way. Our bodies are not just physical entities, and our earth selves can be looked at as separate from our energy/spirit selves.

These two weave a complex web of energy centers throughout the body. They are one, connected in these physical points of the body, and they are quite interesting!

These energy centers, referred to as chakras, serve as the roots of our being, connecting us to the spiritual realm and the physical world simultaneously. We can imagine these chakras connected in networks based on their meridian lines. There are numerous channels and mini sets of meridians running throughout our bodies, but the primary seven chakras that align on the spine are the ones we commonly work with in modern healing + meditation.

These seven chakras are based in various aspects of our lives, including our health, creativity, wisdom, and so much more. Let’s dive a little deeper now that we know where we’re working here.

Guide to 7 Chakras with Descriptions, Locations on Body, Colors and Crystals for Each Chakra

The Power of Awareness: Chakras in Healing

When we work with getting to know ourselves at the root of each chakra, that’s where the transformation comes. Being attuned to our chakra points helps us recognize energy blockages & keep things moving.

Imagine a moment in your routine, whether it’s making your bed, pouring your tea in the morning, taking a walk, or brushing your teeth. You know those moments so well, and you know exactly how you feel in those moments because you do them so often. You’re present in those moments so often day to day, and in turn you can expect what you’ll feel each time, what feels normal, what feels comfortable, or what might feel off/out of the norm.

Pinpointing an Imbalance with Chakra Scanning

Imagine doing the same thing while working with energy at different chakra points. When you operate there in practice or in meditation often enough, you become familiar and aware with how you feel at each point. You have a base-knowledge, a threshold, and you know what it feels like to be balanced in routine.

So when you feel an imbalance, it feels easy and natural to locate where that’s coming from based on sensation, emotion, and intuition. You have such a deep connection with body & spirit that you know when something’s stuck, blocked, or generally making you feel the ick because you know your base-point.

This is what understanding chakras can offer. By becoming attuned to these energy centers, we gain the ability to easily recognize imbalances in our lives. And this awareness serves as a foundation for our stability, allowing us to grow and move comfortably with the ebbs and flows of life.

Balancing Chakras When Energy Gets Stuck

Much like our living spaces, our bodies can become cluttered with stagnant energy. Energy blockages and imbalances can manifest as physical, emotional, or mental issues. Practitioners like Reiki healers have the ability to sense and work with this energy, helping individuals locate and address imbalances.

But why and how does energy get stuck?
So many things can throw off our energy, take our energy, drain us, or create energy blockages. As humans, we are so sensitive to our environments, the people in our lives, and the conversations we have. Bigger things from major life changes to smaller things like even just a conversation with someone who’s energy is off can rub off on us.

We’re constantly giving out our energy daily, and taking in other people’s energy. This giving and receiving comes with picking up some vibes along the way that don’t quite resonate with us. Think of your day to day interactions, commitments, responsibilities, and things we do daily. Through these situations, we’re constantly surrounded by energy that we naturally pick up and take with us. We’re constantly feeling different things, positive and negative, and it’s the natural flow of life for some of this to stick with us longer and get stuck within us. Sometimes things that are deeply rooted can be stuck within us for years, and that nagging pain or weird feeling lurking is something from the past that has manifested into something larger.

This constant transfer of energy can get tiring on the body, and we can’t always keep up with the cleansing! Our nervous system alone is not equipped for that!

Cleansing and Rebalancing

Understanding your chakras is like having the blueprint to your own self-healing. Once you’re aware of a blockage or imbalance, you can then take measures to cleanse, find balance and come back to center. Movement, sound therapy, meditation, and energy work are just a few of the techniques that can be harnessed to restore balance and vitality.

Discovery through Body Scanning

One powerful way to connect with your chakras is through body scanning. It’s a practice that involves systematically checking in with each chakra, feeling into every part of your body, and acknowledging any sensations that arise. You can do this through meditation, through tapping, and just visualizing and feeling out your energy centers. If you’re new to this, see a Reiki practitioner to help!

When to use a Chakra Body Scan Meditation

Incorporating chakra scanning into your daily routine can be particularly beneficial. You can choose a time that works well for you to scan and check in with body.

This may be during high-stress moments of life, emotional turmoil, etc. Or it can be a foundational part of your daily/weekly meditation, depending on what your practice looks like.

We can scan, or check in with ourselves as needed. There’s no right or wrong time to body-scan the chakras, so it’s really about what works for you in your practice. Whenever you choose to scan, just sitting, feeling, being aware, and listening to what your body is telling you can make all the difference.

Graphic showing Woman Sitting on Floor Meditating with Text showing "10-Step Body Scan Meditation" - SBB

The Power of Scanning in Meditation

Meditation is a major tool for addressing an energy imbalance. Certain types of meditation can highlight the root causes of these imbalances or blockages, and can then help us tackle them head-on with various healing modalities. Before you can heal, you need to know what’s going on and where the imbalance is coming from!

A “scan” meditation focused on each chakra can be super beneficial. By allowing your chakras to guide your session, you’re tapping into each energy center and just spending some time there. Seeing how things feel, tapping into self. After meditation, you can write down everything you felt at different chakra points. This helps to then initiate the healing process and work towards resolving specific imbalances, find further resources to support you, and generally inform you on what you’re working with.

When you really start working with these energy centers, this fosters a deeper connection with self and appreciation for self. Working with energy in different parts of the body can seriously help us recognize our own power in the healing journey! But this definitely takes some practice, trial and error, and repeated practice to understand what you’re working with and how to recognize those imbalances. Don’t get discouraged if you try a chakra-balancing meditation and don’t understand what you’re feeling at the first go!

Here’s a guided meditation for chakra-focused body scanning:

1. Gather some materials: get a comfortable pillow (if desired), a blanket, etc. Get your selenite, palo santo, or sage ready to cleanse. You can also keep a few of your favorite crystals near you, keep your charged moon water nearby, or any other things you use during meditation.
2. Find a comfortable spot, either laying down or sitting upright. Whatever feels comfortable for you. Get comfortable and ready to drop in.
3. Cleanse your space while setting intentions. Take a few deep breaths, 4 counts in, 4 counts out. Focus on the power of breath. Speak your intentions or focus for your chakra scan out loud or repeat internally.
4. Once your space is cleansed and you’re ready to drop in, start at your root chakra and work your way up to your crown. Focus on breath throughout.
5. As you pass through each chakra, really tap in to how you’re feeling – you can record yourself and speak out loud, or write things down, but some people don’t like to write as they meditate. Just take mental note if that’s you! Take note of how you feel at each chakra point, general feelings, specific feelings, any colors, themes, memories, or thoughts that come up here.
6. You can physically tap the point on the body to empower your meditation. (Look into EFT tapping, works the same here!)
7. Focus on the themes surrounding each chakra point to help you really dive deep. Visualize the color of the chakras as you pass through. (For example, our root chakra is our base point, our foundation of life that helps us with grounding and stability. Think of these themes and things in your life that might come up here.
8. Don’t move on to the next chakra too fast, and stay on one chakra if something feels like it really needs to be explored there. Move on when you feel like you’ve taken everything with you that you’re meant to in the moment.
9. When you’ve made it through all of the chakra points, shift focus back to breathing, 4 counts in, 4 counts out.
10. Slowly pull yourself out of meditative state. Decompress slowly, speak your intentions one more time, and head to your journal to write down your thoughts.


Reflect on what you felt at each chakra point, either out loud or in journal. Did a certain chakra feel better than others? Did specific memories, thoughts or feelings arise at each one? Did you feel emotional, stressed, restless, or insecure during certain moments/at certain chakras? Did you feel elated, confident and secure as you passed through some chakras?

Record all of this! Even if it doesn’t all quite make sense right away, think on this over the next few days and try to understand what your body is telling you. Feelings of stability and security indicate you may be aligned in that area of life. Feelings of instability or concern may show you have a blockage, and then you can further work to release, loosen things up, and get the positive energy flowing again. Accept yourself in all of these moments and feelings. This scan will help you really tap in to each area of your life and pin-point what may be causing an imbalance.

Happy Healing!

Whether you’re new to chakras, learning how to get into alignment, or trying out new meditation practices, you’re on the right track. You’re here reading this, you’re following your soul mission, and maybe a new journey of self-discovery and self-healing is right around the corner for you.

Book with a Practitioner for Guidance + Clarity

If you’re looking for professional help here and want some assistance as you’re getting used to this, work with a reiki practitioner. They are trained (and intuitively have the connection) to recognize energy imbalances throughout the body. These healers know how to cleanse & get healthy energy moving in the body and circulating where it should. Reiki healers can be WILDLY helpful as you’re getting to know energy healing + trying out these chakra scans.

Reach out to a practitioner, move intuitively on your healing journey, and consider booking that reiki session you’ve been thinking about. You will NOT regret it!

To understand the essence of chakras, think about it this way. Our bodies are not just physical entities, and our earth selves can be looked at as separate from our energy/spirit selves.

These two weave a complex web of energy centers throughout the body. They are one, connected in these physical points of the body, and they are quite interesting!

These energy centers, referred to as chakras, serve as the roots of our being, connecting us to the spiritual realm and the physical world simultaneously. We can imagine these chakras connected in networks based on their meridian lines. There are numerous channels and mini sets of meridians running throughout our bodies, but the primary seven chakras that align on the spine are the ones we commonly work with in modern healing + meditation.

These seven chakras are based in various aspects of our lives, including our health, creativity, wisdom, and so much more. Let’s dive a little deeper now that we know where we’re working here." } } }

Author: Elizabeth Weatherby, SBB

About: Elizabeth founded SBB in 2022 as an online space for users to find balance in a natural, approachable way. With interests in several holistic healing modalities and practices, coupled with her experience as a digital marketer, SEO strategist, and true digital nomad, out of this grew Sit, Breathe, Balance. Today SBB highlights holistic healers, practitioners, and studios in your area to make it easy to get involved with your community and access the resources you need to explore and inform your own healing practice. Learn more about her work at SBB.