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Crystal Meanings & Benefits: Introductory Guide to Crystal Healing

August 11, 2023

Where to begin such a guide! Crystals, minerals and stones are such powerful tools, and if you’re just getting into crystals and learning about their benefits, you’ve come to the right place.

Even if you’re already familiar with certain crystals/stones, and you already have a few personal favorites sitting on the altar, you’re still going to LOVE this guide.

Crystals play a huge role in holistic & spiritual healing due to their physical, emotional, and spiritual healing properties. The unique vibrational energy patterns of certain crystals can interact with and balance out the energy fields of the body. When energy is stuck, stale, or stagnant, crystals can play a huge role in cleansing & purifying to get energy moving again. When energy is stuck in certain points of the body, this can manifest into so many other different symptoms. The good news is, there are so many different minerals that can help us with a multitude of different imbalances we may be working through.

Introduction: What is Crystal Healing?

In various traditions, certain crystals and minerals are considered sacred and are used for their unique spiritual properties. Crystal healing, or crystal therapy uses the energetic properties of certain crystals & minerals to interact with & balance the human body’s energy field, or aura. This is commonly done through crystal assisted reiki or a crystal focused meditation!

When we take a holistic approach to healing, meaning we’re addressing imbalances at the current state of mind, body and soul, we can use natural minerals, crystals and stones to help. The vibrational properties are the same vibrations that make up the movements of nature, the world around us, and our everyday lives.

How are Crystals Specifically Used in a Healing Practice?

There are SO many ways to embark on a crystal healing journey. Here are a few common ways people use crystals and gemstones for healing:

Stones and crystals can be placed on specific points of the body (known as chakra points), can be held during meditation, carried in your pocket, worn as jewelry, or simply just kept in your personal space. Crystal grids are really helpful for specific meditations. Crystal gridding involves placing crystals on certain geometric patterns or shapes, usually on flat surfaces that come on cloths or wooden boards. Certain patterns include circles, triangles, the Flower of Life, etc. These patterns amplify and direct the energetic properties of the chosen crystals to achieve specific intentions or goals. You can also grid off the corners of your home with crystals, a bedroom, a sacred space, etc. This is great when you first move into a new space, or want to bless a space for a loved one or sacred ceremony.

Keeping Crystals in Intentional Spaces:
Crystal energy works to restore balance and harmony to the body. You can intentionally place crystals based on your goals for crystal healing. By keeping crystals in specific parts of the home or on altars, these natural minerals help us exactly when and where we need them to. Certain crystals are specifically beneficial to keep in living spaces to enhance communication, bedrooms for peace, tranquility and grounding, bathrooms for cleansing & relaxation, etc. A mineral, crystal or gemstone in your pocket or in a certain room of the home can really set the vibe for that space or really amplify the flow of the day.

Cleansing & Charging Crystals:
The high vibrations of crystals assist in cleansing when we need new, clear, or amplified energy. Keep in mind that since crystals hold a lot of potent energy, they should be cleansed and charged as well to be properly cared for. If you’re not cleansing your crystals, they may not work for you how they’re supposed to, and they may be full of stagnant energy that needs to be cleared. Cleansing methods include sage, palo santo, cedar, brown or white rice, and the light of a new moon. Some crystals can be cleansed with water, but do some research on which ones can be submerged and which can’t. Some crystals will erode and fade in water, so be careful here!

Graphic of Common Crystal Shapes - Sit, Breathe, Balance.

Why it’s Important to Understand Crystals: Research & Learning

Understanding crystal meanings & benefits can not only help you form a well-rounded collection, but it can help you balance certain areas of your life and your body when you need extra support on your healing journey. When you know the meaning behind certain crystals, you can strategically apply this to your practice and seek out certain crystals that might help you.

Choosing Crystals in Your Practice

Crystals can help you become more in tune with your own needs and emotions. This can lead to a greater sense of self-awareness, personal growth, and a higher connection with the world around you. By understanding the benefits of different crystals, you can choose ones that are best suited to your needs and goals in any phase of life. By understanding the benefits of different crystals, you can choose ones that may help support your overall healing and well-being. You can also find which ones are called to you throughout your journey and apply them in the ways you need!

For some crystals and stones, there are various different types based on formation process, location of derivation, etc. For example quartz has different forms, like rose quartz, clear, Tibetan, and aura quartz to name a few. So it’s important to look at all crystals & stones when deciding which might suit you best based on your needs. Crystals also come in various shapes & sizes. For example, you may find palm stones shaped as eggs, geodes which are natural crystal structures, spheres, wants, clusters, points, pyramids, seer stones and SO much more!

Take a deep dive into the guide, pinpoint some crystals that might help balance certain areas of your life, and learn about the various benefits of these beautiful energetic minerals!

Let’s Get Into It: Our List of Common Crystals, Minerals & Stones for Healing

The following crystals and gemstones are commonly used in so many ways, some being holistic healing, balancing and cleansing. They’re often used in sacred practice, during meditation, and in certain formations/grids to amplify energy.


Chakra: Crown
Themes: Spiritual Growth, Love, Protection, Empowerment

Amethyst is one of the most popular crystals for spiritual growth and healing. A purple stone by nature, but can range from a pale purple to a deep dark purple. As one of the Aquarius birthstones, the modern Aquarius probably loves their amethyst, and might keep quite a few on deck. I wouldn’t doubt they’ve got a large piece of it sitting somewhere special at home.

Amethyst enhances intuition and spiritual awareness, prompting accelerated spiritual growth and protection. It’s often used in meditation as it can help create a protective energy field around the body while dropping in, cleansing out toxicity, and bringing in new fresh energy.

Not only does amethyst have amazing emotional and spiritual benefits, but also has a calming and soothing effect on the mind and body when used intentionally or in meditation. Amethyst helps reduce stress & quiet the mind while strengthening connection with our physical bodies in the present.

When used with intention, amethyst assists in relaxation, trouble sleeping, and protection during times you need extra love & prayers. It’s also great to encourage new beginnings. Amethyst is used for addiction recovery, sobriety, or even just kicking old habits and bad routines. It’s great for clarity, focus, and connection to your higher self. Amethyst is a very versatile crystal, and it’s easily understandable why it’s loved by many. If it’s calling you, Amethyst is such a great option to add to your collection.

Clear Quartz

Chakra: Crown, Heart + more
Themes: Amplify Energy, Mental Clarity, Overall Wellbeing

Quartz is one of the most versatile and abundant crystals on earth, which makes them commonly used and loved by many. As a “master healer”, quartz amplifies energy and enhances all other crystals in its presence. There are so many different types of quartz! Clear quartz is associated with all chakras, but especially the crown and heart chakras. Clear quartz has powerful cleansing and purifying qualities with a full body spectrum. A jack of all trades, clear quartz provides mental clarity, improves communication, and so much more. Mainly due to its cleansing and clearing qualities, clear quartz is often used for gridding off homes, cleansing spiritual spaces, and kept in common areas of the home. This is to cleanse as anyone comes in and out, encourage communication in a communal space, and amplify energy when sharing space and time together in the home.

Some common types of quartz you’ll come across are rose, amethyst, clear, Tibetan, aura, citrine, rutilated, smoky, rainbow, and even more. With all the different types, you’re bound to find a quartz crystal that resonates with you.


Chakra: Root + more
Themes: Calming, Centering, Finding Inspiration, Supporting Soul’s Mission

Different types of Agate are often revered for their beautiful pattern appearance. Agate is classified as a type of stone rather than a crystal. It is a variety of chalcedony, which is a microcrystalline form of quartz. There are multiple types of agate, all with their own benefits and associated chakras where they’ll work most powerfully. Agate is generally great for calming, centering, and getting in touch with the higher self.

A few different types of agate are blue lace agate (light blue, calming & soothing), moss agate (green & gray, growth, abundance, nature), fire agate (brown reddish, passion & creativity), and crystal lace agate (colorful red, pink, yellow, stability, protection, grounding). Believe it or not, there are even more!


Chakra: Heart, Throat + more
Themes: Self Discovery, New Beginnings, Cleansing/Clearing

Oh, Amazonite. A beautiful opaque stone with powerful moving energy. Amazonite is a blue-green stone that is great when used for clearing blockages specifically in the heart and throat chakras. If you ever have some reiki work done, your reiki practitioner or reiki master may work with crystals to assist, and amazonite would be an amazing option to use here!

Amazonite is used to enhance creativity, emotional intelligence, and open the heart with love, be it past or present healing. Grab some amazonite if you’re looking to reduce stress, work through anxiety and even reduce inflammation in the body. Amazonite might be for you if you’re stepping up your communication skills, be it social, work, or more personal relationships. It also might be for you if you’re looking to your next step, taking a new path in life, or need support in self-discovery. Amazonite promotes self awareness in taking those leaps, and can be really helpful and grounding as you’re grabbing hold of what’s meant for you in life – which can be a deep dive! Think of the pivotal moments for us in life, maybe we only have 2 or 3 ever. For those moments of rediscovery, the forks in the road, or the jumps into the unknown: Amazonite is your go-to.


Chakra: Throat, Third Eye
Themes: Connecting with Angels, Seeking Divine Guidance, Supporting Psychic Intuition, Healing Past Traumas

Angelite is a beautiful blue-gray crystal with powerful benefits. It is a form of blue anhydrite, a mineral that belongs to the sulfate family.

Angelite helps with calming the mind, relieving stress, and easing the soul with peace and tranquility. It’s often used to connect with self, dive deep, and maybe purge something from past traumas to find peace. It’s great for spiritual growth, helping to enhance meditation abilities and inner connectivity. Angelite also strengthens and enhances connections to your angels, as its name implies. If you’ve been seeing numerous angel numbers and feeling the energy of loved ones who have passed, introducing Angelite into your life might assist you in navigating through these experiences. It helps facilitate communication and understanding of the other realms, providing divine guidance and protection.  A gentle and calming crystal, Angelite has unique properties that can support these specific needs.


Chakra: Throat, Solar Plexus
Themes: Enhancing Spiritual Awareness, Strengthening & Listening to Intuition, Colds, Sinuses

Aquamarine is a stunning blue-green stone with such powerful energy! Mainly associated with the throat chakra, Aquamarine enhances communication with ourselves and others, promotes self-expression, and is great for finding balance in our day to day lives.

Aquamarine is a form of beryl, which is a mineral that also includes other gemstones like emerald and morganite. The blue-green color of Aquamarine comes from other tiny trace elements in the crystal, like iron, which gives it that royal color sometimes. What’s cool about aquamarine is how it’s found, and what that means. It’s typically found in granite and pegmatite formations, which tells us this crystal forms from molten rock that cools and solidifies underground. It’s absolutely amazing what mother nature does, and it makes sense why these elements directly from her core are helpful in our healing process as humans.

Aquamarine has been renowned as a sacred crystal in many cultures. Tales of sailors ring true of using aquamarine as a powerful talisman. Travelers used it to protect against drowning and promote safe travel on the open seas. It was also prized for its ability to enhance mental clarity, intuition, and spiritual awareness.

This stone is also great for physical healing, known to be a “breath” stone. It provides support when dealing with sinus & lung illnesses, and REALLY helps us through the cold & allergy seasons!


Chakra: Primarily Heart, Third Eye
Themes: Love of Self & Others, Acceptance, Emotional Balance, Compassion, Heart Health, Kidney Health, Supports Circulation

Emerald is a deep green stone that is primarily associated with the heart chakra. Emerald enhances love, compassion for others, and emotional balance. Many turn to emerald for emotional healing and support. Emerald has a powerful way allowing us to release, cleanse, and find our way to live in harmony with our environments. Though often used for emotional healing and balance, it’s also been a sacred crystal throughout history.

The history of emerald can be traced back to ancient Greek, Roman, and Egyptian times. The name “emerald” comes from the Greek word “smaragdus,” which means “green gem.” Emerald was highly valued, particularly by the Egyptians who were very fond of the beautiful green stone. They associated emerald with the goddess Isis, and many pharaohs were buried with emerald jewelry in the belief that it would protect them in the afterlife.

In ancient Greece, emerald was associated with the goddess Venus and was believed to enhance fertility and protect against evil spirits. Emerald has also been prized by ancient Roman civilizations to soothe the soul and protect against disease.

Emerald is still commonly used today in many jewelry pieces, and it’s also the birthstone of the Taurus. Today, it’s known to promote physical health and even supports the heart, kidneys, & our circulatory system. When used in meditation, holding an emerald to the third eye is believed to create a stronger connection between the physical and spiritual realms, allowing for heightened intuition and psychic awareness. It promotes clarity, inner vision, and the ability to perceive subtle energies.


Chakra: Root, Heart
Themes: Grounding, Relieving Anxiety, Boosting Energy, Compassion

Garnet is a deep red stone that is loved for its healing, grounding, and regenerative properties. As the root chakra is located at the base of the spine, garnet is associated with stability, safety, security, and protection. When used with intention, garnet can be a stone that helps you connect the soul/spirit with the grounding, earth, human world we live in today. If you’re looking for spiritual transformation and growth, grab yourself some garnet at your local crystal shop.

Garnet can help relieve feelings of fear, worry and anxiousness, either in the moment, or long-term for something upcoming or from something in the past. Garnet connects the weary with the inner wisdom, allowing you to listen to the intuition inside you. Garnet is associated with boosting energy levels, revitalizing the body, and promoting physical and emotional strength. If you’re looking to enhance motivation + manifestation abilities, find your center, and reenergize to pursue goals and success, Garnet might be for you.


Chakra: Primarily Root + Sacral
Themes: Purification, Clarity, Balance

Calcite is a variety of minerals that come in a range of colors. It is associated with many chakra points in the body and can be used to balance and clear many points of blockage due to strong cleansing and purifying capabilities. The healing benefits of calcite are endless!

Calcite clears negative energy, promotes feelings of relaxation and calm, and stimulates mental clarity and focus.

Beyond the emotional and spiritual, calcite also promotes healthy digestion, boosts the immune system, and promotes healthy bones and teeth! If we look at the root of the word, similar to something familiar: calcium. Calcite comes from one of the most abundant minerals on earth, calcium carbonate. Even MORE, calcite is used in various industries such as construction, medicine, and agriculture. It is often used in making cement and other building materials, and it is also used in supplements to provide calcium to the body.

There are many different types of calcite, each with their own unique healing properties. For example, green calcite helps balance emotions and promotes peace and tranquility, while orange calcite helps stimulate creativity and self-expression. Whichever one you use in your own spiritual healing practice will depend on what you need to balance, where blockages are, etc.


Chakra: Solar Plexus
Themes: Abundance, Prosperity, Positivity, Sunshine, Feel Good Energy

Citrine is a vibrant and uplifting crystal known for its sunny yellow, beautiful golden hue. It’s associated with abundance, prosperity, and manifestation. This crystal is known to attract wealth & success. Citrine emits a beautiful feeling of positivity as soon as you hold it in your palms. Its vibrant energy promotes a positive mindset and encourages us to step into our power, claim our abundance and reach our goals.

This is where the solar plexus chakra comes in, as Citrine enhances self-confidence and personal power. It boosts self-esteem, helps to stimulate creativity, and helps us think outside the box when we’re working towards something. It’s a beautiful crystal to help claim our authentic power and live our truths every day. With Citrine in our presence, we may feel overwhelming gratitude for life, and can easily feel the warmth and optimism it brings. The sunny gold color of this beautiful crystal rings true to its meanings & benefits: dissipating negative energy and promoting genuine joy and optimism. Citrine also helps to detoxify the body and improve digestions, liver health, sleep disorders and so much more.


Chakra: Sacral
Themes: Vitality, Energy, Boosting Creative Expression, Enhancing Sensuality

Carnelian is one of our favorites at SBB. Carnelian is a reddish-orange stone that is associated with the sacral. Carnelian is a variety of chalcedony, which you might remember from agate, a mineral in the quartz family. Carnelian often has a translucent to opaque appearance that almost makes it look milky sometimes. A beautiful, true show stopper. You can really feel the energy of Carnelian as you hold it in your palms!

Carnelian is closely linked to the sacral chakra, which is located in the lower abdomen and governs creativity, sensuality, and creativity and emotions. Carnelian promotes balance with the harmonious flow of energy. This can enhance one’s sensuality, passion, and emotional well-being, fostering a healthy relationship with creativity, intimacy, and self-expression. It’s also associated with success, manifestation, confidence, vitality, drive and determination. Carnelian is huge with combatting fatigue and lethargy, and even just holding it in our palms can provide a renewed sense of vitality and drive.

Carnelian is often used in jewelry today, and it is believed to enhance the energy of the person wearing it. Carnelian is also a great stone to take with you, put in your pocket or handbag, and let the energy protect you as you go about your day. If you’ve been going through a period of self doubt or worry, Carnelian can increase self-esteem and help foster a more positive outlook. Shifting perspectives is made a little easier with a ten-minute meditation and a carnelian stone in your palm.


Chakra: Heart, Root
Themes: Attracting Abundance, Manifestation Abilities, Revitalizing, Immune System Support

Epidote stones hold some beautiful & powerful energetic properties. It is found in shades of green, brown, and black, and is typically found in metamorphic and igneous rocks.

Epidote is home to the heart and root chakras, and enhances spiritual growth, emotional healing, and transformation. With strong grounding and stabilizing effects on the mind and body, Epidote is often associated with attracting abundance and enhancing one’s manifestation abilities. It also stimulates manifestation of goals, dreams, and desires, supporting success, prosperity, and abundance in various areas of life. If you’re seeking personal growth and transformation, working with epidote can assist in letting go of limiting beliefs and patterns. It can help you embrace change, gain clarity about your life’s direction, and enhance self-discovery. If you have specific goals, projects, or current things you’re manifesting, working with epidote may help strengthen & refine intentions to get closer to your end goals.

This stone is known to be useful in clearing stagnant or negative energies from the aura and the environment, creating a sense of energetic harmony, and shielding against external influences.

Desert Rose

Chakra: Rood, Third Eye
Themes: Connecting with Higher Self, Inner Exploration, Spiritual Growth

Desert Rose is a beautiful, rose-like formation of gypsum and sand that is found in desert regions around the world. It is associated with the root and crown chakras and is believed to enhance grounding, protection, and spiritual growth. If you’re new to your spiritual practice, Desert Rose is perfect to help form a deeper connection with oneself and the spiritual realm.

Desert Rose is often used in meditation and energy healing to aid us on the journey of self-healing and self-acceptance. It can help release emotional blockages, heal past traumas, and foster a sense of self-love and compassion.

Often associated with spiritual growth and inner exploration, Desert Rose is great for new beginnings, new jobs, a big move, a new house, or a major shift in lifestyle/environment. When kept in your space, Desert Rose can amplify meditations, support day-to-day mindfulness, and enhance your overall crystal healing practice.


Chakra: Heart
Themes: Heart Activation, Calm the Mind, Alleviate Stress, Emotional Healing

Aventurine is a green stone that is associated with the heart chakra. It comes in different colors, with the most common being green, although there are also blue, red, and other beautiful shades. Aventurine enhances abundance, prosperity, and emotional healing. It’s a variety of quartz that really helps soothe and calm the mind and body.

Aventurine is often used in meditation to activate the heart chakra. It’s also associated with physical healing, to aid in issues related to the heart, circulatory system, and overall vitality. Blue aventurine, which is less common, is sometimes associated with helping to alleviate allergies and skin irritations. This likely stems from its blue color, which is often associated with calming and soothing energies. Aventurine can also enhance creativity and mental clarity. It’s often used to calm the mind, alleviate stress, and help you feel more like yourself.

People often carry aventurine as a talisman, wear it as jewelry, place it on specific chakras during meditation, or incorporate it into crystal grids.


Chakra: Root
Themes: Grounding, Protection, Focus, Concentration, Balance, Enhancing Energy, Root Chakra Activation

Hematite is a metallic-looking gray mineral that is associated with the root chakra. It enhances grounding, protection, and emotional healing. Hematite is often used to create a protective barrier against electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices like computers and cell phones, similar to shungite. It’s believed to absorb and dissipate electromagnetic energies, reducing potential negative impacts on the body.

It’s also commonly used to assist in manifesting dreams and goals. It provides a grounding foundation for turning ideas into reality and bringing intentions to fruition.

Hematite can balance and harmonize the body’s energies, helping to absorb excess energy and release it when needed. This contributes to a more stable and centered state of being. Some practitioners believe hematite supports physical health by aiding in issues related to blood disorders, circulation, and oxygenation to enhance vitality and energy levels.


Chakra: Third Eye, Crown
Themes: Transformation, Intuition, Creativity, Protection, Aura Cleansing

Labradorite is a grayish-green stone that is associated with the third eye and crown chakras. It’s known for its stunning play of colors, often displaying iridescent hues that change as the stone is viewed from different angles.

Labradorite is great for so many things. It enhances intuition, spiritual growth, and helps tap into psychic abilities. It can help stimulate intellectual curiosity and expand our understanding of complex subjects. It’s well known for protective abilities, and can create a shield against negative energies, psychic attacks, and unwanted influences. It’s also great for enhancing communication, self expression and helps us show up confidently and authentically.

Labradorite is often used in meditation, kept on an altar, and used as a protective barrier around ourselves or our spaces. When practitioners give readings, pull cards, etc. they might keep labradorite on hand for this.

If you’re looking to further express yourself, gain clarity and insight, or protect your energy during certain phases of life, this may be a great option to add to your collection.


Chakra: Primarily Third Eye, Crown
Themes: Feminine Energy, Fertility, Goddess Energy, New Beginnings, Overall Energy Alignment

Moonstone is a milky white or gray stone that is home to the third eye and crown chakras. It’s often considered a stone of feminine energy, linked to the cycles of the moon and the rhythms of nature. Moonstone can help balance hormonal cycles and alleviate symptoms associated with menstruation, fertility, and menopause.

This beautiful stone can enhance qualities like intuition, receptivity, and nurturing. Similarly, it’s often used for support during new beginnings and fresh starts. It helps let go of the past and embrace new opportunities and chapters in life. If you’re turning the pages in your journey, moonstone might be for you.

It can also be great for promoting emotional intimacy and strengthening the connection between partners. It’s often used by couples to deepen their emotional bond and enhance communication.

Moonstone is also wildly helpful for dreamwork and lucid dreaming, which is super cool. Use moonstone to enhance dream recall, promote vivid dreaming, and facilitate spiritual insights during dream state.


Chakra: Root
Themes: Self Reflection, Relieving Anxiety, Security in the Physical World, Stability, Grounding

Obsidian is a black or dark brown stone that is associated with the root chakra. It’s a unique and powerful volcanic glass that has been used for various purposes throughout history, including healing and metaphysical practices. Obsidian possesses a range of beneficial properties.

Obsidian is often used for self-reflection and introspection. It’s believed to encourage individuals to delve deep into their subconscious minds and gain insights into hidden aspects of themselves.

It’s also great for alleviating fear, anxiety, and stress. It can provide a sense of stability and security, helping to let go of unnecessary worries and things that just don’t serve us anymore.

Commonly associated with the root chakra, located at the base of the spine, Obsidian helps balance and activate this foundational energy center. The root chakra is linked to feelings of safety, security, and stability.

Moss Agate

Chakra: Heart, Root
Themes: Nature, Earthy, Emotional Healing, Get Positive Energy Flowing

Moss Agate is a type of chalcedony that is known for its green or blue-green appearance with moss-like inclusions. This gives moss agate a unique and earthy look. It’s associated with the heart chakra, and promotes nurturing energy, emotional healing, and provides comfort and safety during times of stress or difficulty. These soothing and nurturing properties are great when facing emotional turmoil, allowing for a healthier flow of energy and emotions. This is great for breakups, emotional support during grief, or generally embarking on new chapters of life.

If you’re starting a new job, moving to a new place, beginning a personal project, balancing difficult emotions, or tending to your plant babies, moss agate is for you!

Moss agate leans into the earth elements, helping us feel grounded and connected with the natural world around us. It also helps enhance the health and growth of plants and gardens! Due to its strong connection to nature, Moss Agate is commonly used by gardeners and plant enthusiasts.


Chakra: Sacral, Solar Plexus + More
Themes: Many based on type of jasper

Jasper is a diverse and versatile group of stones with various types, each possessing unique qualities and energies. Jasper comes in many different colors and formations, including red, yellow, green, and brown to name a few.

A few different types of jasper include ocean jasper used for inner harmony and peace, Leopard Skin Jasper for self confidence & personal power, red Jasper for grounding in nature, Rainforest Jasper for renewal and cleansing, Bumble Bee Jasper for emotional healing & creativity, Yellow Jasper for solar plexus activation, Kambaba Jasper for inner peace, and the list goes on!

Choosing the right type of Jasper for crystal healing can be a personal and intuitive process. Each type of Jasper carries its own healing properties & benefits, so it’s important to consider your intentions and needs when making your selection.

Two of the most common types of Jasper are yellow and red:
> If you’re looking for support in connecting to the roots, try Red Jasper to promote a sense of rootedness and stability in the physical world. Red Jasper’s vibrant red color is associated with energy and vitality. It’s believed to enhance physical strength, endurance, and overall vitality, making it a helpful stone for those needing an energy boost. When doing a root chakra meditation, you may look to Red Jasper for support!
> Yellow Jasper is associated with the solar plexus chakra, located in the abdomen. This chakra is linked to personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. Yellow Jasper can help activate and balance this chakra, fostering self-assurance, optimism, positivity and more. Yellow Jasper is a classic for uplifting the spirits, dispelling negative thoughts, and encouraging a brighter outlook on life


Chakra: Heart
Themes: Emotional Healing, Grounding, Love, Relationships, Compassion, Empathy

Rhodonite is a pinkish-reddish black stone that is associated with the heart chakra. This beautiful stone is a perfect option for enhancing emotional healing. Promoting unconditional love, Rhodonite fosters self-love, compassion, and empathy, nurturing those deeper connections.

Rhodonite encourages forgiveness, empowers self-confidence, and supports personal growth, helping break old patterns and embrace one’s potential. In relationships, it facilitates healing, open communication, and harmony among any differences you may have with your partner throughout the ebbs and flows of life. Its calming effect relieves anxiety and stress, while inspiring self-love and true compassion.

Beyond emotional healing, Rhodonite is used to improve focus, concentration, and mental clarity. Its grounding energy can help individuals stay present and attentive, making it beneficial for tasks that require sustained attention.

Rhodonite’s energy can be conducive to conflict resolution and problem-solving. It can assist in finding common ground, promoting understanding, and facilitating positive communication in challenging situations. Incorporate it into meditation, carry it, or wear it to experience its unique benefits!


Chakra: Third Eye & Crown
Themes: Cleanse & Charge Other Crystals, Applicable to Almost Any Imbalance

Selenite, a translucent/white and ethereal crystal, is renowned for its powerful yet gentle energy. If you have ONE crystal or stone in your collection, make it SELENITE! It’s such a great, applicable crystal to have for so many reasons.

Benefits of selenite include various aspects of spiritual and energetic healing. Selenite is often used for cleansing and purifying energies, both within the self and in the environment. It’s often used to cleanse space before ritual, practice, or meditation. Selenite is really great for moving energy, cleansing, and dispelling negative energy.

Selenite is also valued for its ability to enhance spiritual communication and connection, making it a useful tool for those just starting out with a spiritual practice. Selenite is great for placing in your living or working space to purify the energy, carrying a piece with you for clarity during meditation, or using it to cleanse and recharge other crystals.

Selenite aids in clearing mental clutter, improving concentration, and fostering a deeper understanding of one’s thoughts and emotions. Due to its connection to the crown chakra, selenite is used to facilitate access to higher states of consciousness and inner wisdom.


Chakra: Throat
Themes: Communication, Problem Solving, Clear Thinking, Logic

Sodalite, with its deep blue hues and white marbling, is a stone that offers a range of benefits. Associated with the throat chakra, Sodalite can enhance communication, self-expression, and emotional balance during times of panic or anxiety. Sodalite is commonly used and loved by SO many. Minerals in sodalite are also found in lapis lazuli, another common stone used in holistic healing.

One of the primary benefits of Sodalite lies in its beautiful ability to stimulate clear thinking and enhance rational thought processes. It can aid in organizing thoughts, improving focus, and fostering analytical skills. Sodalite can assist in making sound decisions and solving complex problems by encouraging a logical and methodical approach.

Incorporating sodalite into your practice can involve carrying it as a pocket stone, wearing it as jewelry, meditating with it to enhance mental clarity, or placing it in your work or living space to promote a peaceful environment. Keep in mind your experiences with sodalite may vary, as with any crystal or stone, so explore its energies with an open heart and a willingness to engage with its unique qualities.

Tiger’s Eye

Chakra: Solar Plexus
Themes: Confidence, Motivation, Connectivity, Abundance, Prosperity, Grounding

Known as the stone of courage and protection, Tiger’s Eye is associated with enhancing inner strength, confidence, and grounding. Tiger’s Eye is a golden-brown stone that is associated with the solar plexus chakra. It is believed to enhance personal power, self-confidence, and motivation.

At its core, Tiger’s Eye is revered for promoting courage and self-confidence. Its energy is believed to empower individuals to take action and face challenges with determination. Tiger’s Eye can inspire a sense of fearlessness and support those who are stepping out of their comfort zones.

Tiger’s Eye’s grounding energy is another hallmark attribute. It’s used to connect individuals to the Earth’s energies and provide stability during times of change. This stabilizing quality helps anchor one’s energies, making it easier to remain centered in the midst of life’s fluctuations.

The stone’s ability to offer protection is also significant. Tiger’s Eye is thought to create a shield against negative energies and psychic attacks. It’s often used as a talisman for maintaining a strong energy boundary and warding off negativity.

It’s also commonly associated with abundance and prosperity. Its energy can help attract opportunities and enhance the ability to manifest desires. The stone’s rich colors are reminiscent of the earth’s energies and can also evoke a sense of connection to nature.

Place your Tiger’s Eye in a prominent location to serve as a reminder of your intentions you set on it. Use during a Solar Plexus meditation to unblock fear, anxiety and self-doubt.


Chakra: Root
Themes: Protection, Grounding, Balance, Spiritual Growth, Purification, Renewal, Revitalization

Tourmaline, a diverse and versatile stone that forms in a range of colors, holds multifaceted benefits in healing and metaphysical practices. Tourmaline is commonly a black or multi-colored stone and is associated with the root chakra. The different colors of Tourmaline are associated with specific chakras and spiritual aspects, making it a versatile tool for working on various levels of consciousness. Tourmaline is generally associated with shielding against negative energies, promoting balance, protection, and enhancing spiritual growth.

Tourmaline’s ability to purify and cleanse is significant. It’s used to clear energetic blockages and remove stagnant energies from the body and environment. This cleansing property can contribute to a sense of renewal and revitalization.

Tourmaline is often used to connect us to the Earth’s energies, promoting a sense of rootedness and balance. Its grounding quality can assist in remaining centered during times of stress and chaos. This stone really has a way of absorbing and transmuting negative energies that is noticeably different from other stones or crystals!

Zebra Marble

Chakra: Root
Themes: Wholeness, Yin and Yang, Interconnectedness

Zebra marble, a captivating stone known for its black and white banding, offers a unique array of healing benefits. Zebra Marble’s distinctive appearance reminds us of the yin and yang symbol, representing dualities and opposites coming together in harmony. This symbolism is used to enhance awareness of the interconnectedness of all aspects of existence and promote a sense of wholeness.

Spiritually, Zebra Marble is often used for meditation and introspection. Its energy is thought to facilitate a deeper connection to inner wisdom and higher consciousness. Zebra Marble’s calming qualities can help individuals access a state of tranquility and open themselves to deeper insights from source.

If you’re facing transitions, change, emotional turmoil, stress, anxiety, lack of self-care, struggling with decision making, and looking to grow your spiritual practice, Zebra Marble might be for you!

Lapis Lazuli

Chakra: Third Eye, Throat
Themes: Psychic Abilities, Intuition, Royalty, Clarity & Insight, Self-Expression & Awareness, Public Speaking, Writing, Art

Lapis Lazuli, a striking blue gemstone flecked with golden pyrite, holds a wide range of benefits in healing. Lapis Lazuli’s primary healing attribute lies in its ability to help stimulate the third eye chakra, which is linked to intuition and insight. It’s believed to open the door to higher knowledge and enhance psychic abilities, making it valuable for those seeking to deepen their spiritual connections.

Spiritually, Lapis Lazuli is thought to connect the physical and spiritual realms. It’s used to facilitate spiritual growth, expand consciousness, and deepen meditation practices. The stone’s energy encourages self-reflection and inner exploration. This goes hand-in-hand with self-awareness and self-expression. Lapis Lazuli is used to encourage honest communication and self-discovery. It can help individuals identify and release suppressed emotions, fostering emotional healing and authenticity.

Lapis Lazuli’s rich blue color is often associated with royalty and power. It’s believed to promote a sense of inner strength, confidence, and assertiveness. The stone’s energy can assist individuals in standing up for their beliefs and speaking their truth.

Lapis Lazuli’s connection to the throat chakra also makes it beneficial for enhancing communication skills. It can improve clarity of thought and effective expression, making it valuable for public speaking, writing, and artistic endeavors.


Chakra: Throat, Heart
Themes: Master Healer, Protection, Communication, Clarity, Communication, Enhancing Spiritual Connection

Turquoise is a blue and green gemstone that is associated with the throat and heart chakras. Turquoise is often revered for its spiritual and healing properties, offers a diverse array of benefits in various practices. Known as a “master healer,” Turquoise is associated with protection, emotional balance, and enhancing spiritual connection.

It’s believed to guard against negative energies, including electromagnetic radiation, making it a valuable talisman in the modern world. Turquoise’s energy acts as a shield, promoting a sense of safety and well-being.

Turquoise’s connection to the throat chakra makes it beneficial for communication and self-expression. It’s believed to enhance clarity in communication, making it easier to express thoughts and feelings with authenticity and confidence.

Turquoise’s vivid color, reminiscent of the sky and water, is often associated with healing and purification. It’s believed to promote physical healing and overall well-being, as well as support the immune system and detoxification.

Turquoise holds immense significance for many Native American tribes, particularly those in the southwestern United States. It’s often used in jewelry, pottery, and ceremonial objects. In Native American traditions, turquoise is believed to bring protection, luck, and harmony. Among Native Americans, Turquoise has been used spiritually by Ancient Egyptians, Persian and Middle Eastern Cultures, Tibetan Buddhism, Ancient Aztec and Mayan Cultures, and so many more!


Chakra: Throat, Heart
Themes: Transformation, Overcoming Obstacles, Self Reflection, Emotional Support

Malachite is a beautiful green stone that is associated with the heart and throat chakras. With a diverse range of healing benefits, malachite is known as a “stone of transformation,” associated with emotional healing, protection, cleansing negative energy and enhancing personal growth.

At its core, Malachite’s primary attribute lies in its ability to facilitate emotional healing and release. It’s believed to help individuals confront and clear past traumas, emotional wounds, and negative patterns. Malachite’s energy encourages self-reflection and the willingness to address unresolved emotions at the root. Malachite might bring up some intense emotions when used in practice, so be sure you’re ready to dive deep with this one!

The stone’s protective qualities are also worth noting. Malachite is thought to absorb & cleanse negative energies and pollutants from the environment and auras around us. Its energy acts as a shield, helping to safeguard against electromagnetic radiation and psychic attacks.

Malachite’s unique appearance, with its swirling patterns, reflects its transformative nature. It’s used to promote personal growth and positive change by encouraging us to embrace new opportunities and overcome obstacles. Malachite’s energy inspires courage and the determination to break free from limitations.


Chakra: Crown
Themes: Inner Wisdom, Emotional Healing, Spiritual Growth, Protection, Shield Negativity, Creative Expression

Opal is often referred to as a “gemstone” rather than a crystal or stone. It’s a type of mineraloid, which means it’s a naturally occurring mineral-like substance that lacks the crystalline structure found in true minerals. Unlike crystals, which have a repeating atomic structure, Opal’s internal structure is more disordered and amorphous. This lack of a consistent crystalline lattice is what distinguishes Opal from traditional crystals.

Opal is associated with the crown chakra as it enhances intuition, emotional healing, and spiritual growth.

This beautiful stone is known for its play of colors and unique appearance. It’s great for inspiration & tapping into our inner wisdom from source. Opal can stimulate creativity and artistic expression. Its iridescent colors and shifting patterns inspire imaginative thinking that encourages us to explore our creative talents.

Opal’s distinctive appearance and iridescent colors make it highly valued as a precious gemstone used in jewelry and decorative items.

Opal’s protective qualities are also valued. It’s believed to enhance energetic boundaries and shield against negativity. Opal’s energy acts as a barrier against psychic attacks and negative influences, promoting a sense of energetic well-being.

While opal is not a traditional crystal with a well-defined crystal structure, it still holds significant metaphysical and spiritual properties. It is often included in discussions about crystals and gemstones due to its energetic qualities and its historical use in healing and spiritual practices.


Chakra: Third Eye, Crown
Themes: Inner Wisdom, Emotional Healing, Spiritual Growth, Protection, Shield Negativity, Creative Expression

Sugilite, a striking purple gemstone with a unique appearance, holds a range of benefits in healing. It’s associated with the third eye and crown chakras. Sugilite is believed to enhance intuition, spiritual growth, and strengthen meditation practice.

The stone’s connection to the third eye and crown chakras is significant for spiritual growth and insight. Sugilite can enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and connection to higher realms. It can aid in meditation, dream work, and accessing spiritual wisdom from source.

Sugilite is used to assist in recognizing our soul journey, our purpose and our higher selves. Its energy encourages personal growth and a deeper understanding of the world around us. Sugilite’s energy acts as a barrier, helping to maintain a strong and balanced aura.


Chakra: Solar Plexus, Throat
Themes: Clarity, Accepting Abundance, Success, Optimism, Self-Assuredness

Topaz, a vibrant and versatile gemstone available in various colors, holds a range of benefits in healing. Topaz often comes in yellow or blue forms associated with the solar plexus and throat chakras.

Topaz’s energy is linked to manifestation and goal-setting. It’s used to enhance our ability to visualize our goals and desires. Topaz’s energy encourages a positive mindset and optimism, making it a valuable tool for achieving success in various endeavors.

Topaz’s energy encourages positive emotional expression and self-acceptance. The stone’s connection to the solar plexus chakra makes it beneficial for promoting confidence and self-assuredness. Topaz can boost self-esteem and empower us to not only visualize, but take that leap towards our goals. If you’ve been feeling stuck, stagnant, and just still, get some Topaz in your life! This will help you take action towards the things you may be weary about. You may even realize some goals you had are not for you, or you need to reroute, rewire and rethink. Its energy can assist in overcoming self-doubt, fear of change & everything that comes with growth. Topaz will help you grab hold of all that is meant for you in this life! Get some Topaz and get that clarity you need!

Start Forming Your Crystal Healing Practice

If you’re interested in getting started with crystal healing, here are a few helpful tips to start forming your own practice:

Educate yourself:
Start by researching and learning about the different types of crystals, their properties, and how they are traditionally used in crystal healing.

Find a Crystal Healer or Local Shop:
Getting a “scan” from a crystal healer can help to identify blockages. Then your healer can help you come up with a cocktail of crystals to help get you started, based on this scan and audit of your current needs/imbalances. Check out our directory to find a healer near you or a crystal shop that might be able to help with getting you started with your first collection.

Choose Crystals That are Calling You:
Decide which crystals resonate with you, and decide how you want to start applying crystal healing to your daily life/routines. This will look different for everyone!

Asking Your Crystals for Guidance:
Before sourcing crystals for a collection, try to pinpoint your imbalances to see what the crystals might be able to help you with. Intention is everything! Ask yourself which crystals you may need in the moment, and which may be great overall crystals you can rely on everyday or use in practice as needed. You may not use certain crystals all the time, and that’s okay! As long as your cleansing & holding your crystals once in a while, you’ll be in tune with their energy and will benefit from having them in your collection.

Charging, Cleansing, and Caring for Your Crystal Collection:
When you get your first crystals, cleans and find a home for them with proper storage. Be sure to give them attention, touch and hold them often, and never let your collection get dusty. Cleanse your crystals before using them before each healing session. This helps to remove any negative energy they may have absorbed and ensures they are ready to be used for healing.

Connect with Your Crystals:
As mentioned above, spend some time holding or meditating with your crystals to help you get a sense of their energy and how you would like to use them for healing. Bring them with you places, show them love, and really let their energy in!

Start incorporating crystals into your daily life. Use them often! You can carry them with you in your pocket or bag, place them on specific parts of your body, or use them during meditation. Experiment with different crystals and techniques to see what works best for you.

Getting your crystal practice on point? Keep an eye out for more resources from SBB to help. We’ll be adding tons more informational blogs to support you through your crystal healing journey.

Closing Thoughts

It is important to recognize that crystals for spiritual or healing purposes is subjective, and varies from person to person. One crystal that helps you through an imbalance or blockage might not help someone else! The experience and results with crystal healing can be influenced by intentions, our current state, and our reception and openness to healing. It’s important to note that while crystals and gemstones can be used to aid holistic healing and balancing, they should not be used as a substitute for medical treatment.

Crystals and stones are all about the intention you place on them and how you approach your practice. When you’re using them for the right reasons, with good intentions and clarity, the rest will follow!

As with any alternative or complementary holistic practice discussed on SBB, approach these practices with an open mind. If you’re interested in exploring the potential benefits of using  crystals, reach out to knowledgeable practitioners, do your research, decide what resonates with you, and trust your own intuition!


Author: Elizabeth Weatherby, SBB

About: Elizabeth founded SBB in 2022 as an online space for users to find balance in a natural, approachable way. With interests in several holistic healing modalities and practices, coupled with her experience as a digital marketer, SEO strategist, and true digital nomad, out of this grew Sit, Breathe, Balance. Today SBB highlights holistic healers, practitioners, and studios in your area to make it easy to get involved with your community and access the resources you need to explore and inform your own healing practice. Learn more about her work at SBB.