Graphic of Sun, Moon, and Woman Smelling Sage for Blog Introduction "Smudging with Sage"

How to Use Sage: Smudging with Sage + 3 Other Ways to Cleanse Your Space

February 4, 2024

How to Smudge with Sage

Sometimes we really need to cleanse and purify our space. We all know when the time comes, when the energy in our home or personal space feels stuck, stale, stagnant and just … not the vibe!

You’ve heard of smudging with sage to cleanse, but now you’re likely looking for the specifics to try smudging yourself.

So let’s dive into all things smudging – if you’re new to using sage for cleansing, you’ll love this download! If you already love using sage for cleansing and purifying, you may find some helpful tips to incorporate into your cleansing rituals, and may even like the other options for cleansing at the end of this blog!

What Does it Mean to Smudge with Sage?

Smudging with sage involves sourcing the right type of sage for your needs, lighting, smoldering, and wafting through your space with your bundled sage as it burns. The concept here is that this burning of the sage is an incredibly sacred, traditional cleansing process. It’s that dancing smoke through air that invites positive energy in while ushering the negativity away.

Your routine is all your own: You can make a smudging routine quick and simple when you need to cleanse in the moment, or deep, slow, and intentional for life transitions, milestones, birthdays, etc. You may find yourself doing both! Either way, your routine is all your own, and can be whatever you want it to look like.

Why is Smudging a Great Way to Cleanse + Purify?

Smudging with sage, using the herb’s healing properties and smoke, can really clean and refresh the energy around you. Smudging is extremely energetically powerful, and goes beyond just the physical act of smudging – the spiritual connection, the way the herb’s natural healing properties help you relax and dismiss, really creates a sense of harmony and balance. It’s a practice that not only shifts the energy in your environment, but it revitalizes the soul. And you can really feel it! Smudging can ground you, cleanse in a way like no other, and can help you feel at home on this big floating rock.

Crystal Grid with Sage, Palo Santo, and Selenite at each corner of Grid - Sit, Breathe, Balance.

When to Use Sage for Smudging

Let’s talk about when to use sage and how to know it’s time for a deep cleanse. Some people smudge ritually and make it part of their scared practice as a celebration. Smudging is also used before yoga, meditation, pulling tarot cards, before reiki, or any kind of energy work. It’s common to want that sense of grounding and balance before dropping in to that sacred energy space.

As mentioned before, you can cleanse as needed, and it doesn’t always have to be a deep, moving, spiritual moment with yourself and your space! You can cleanse your space quickly and easily if you want a quick dose of balance and harmony in your routine. This is totally fine and there’s really no right or wrong way to cleanse! It’s all about intention.

When it comes to figuring out how you want to use sage, you’ll know when you need a reset and how to approach cleansing. Listen to your intuition, if you’re called to sage or smudge, there’s a reason! These moments may feel obvious at times, and other times more subtle. What’s key is paying attention to shifts in energy, emotional heaviness, or a sense of stagnation in your surroundings. Lean into that and let this beautiful herb be your guide! She’s got you.

Crystals Set Up on Grid for Cleansing Intentions - Sit, Breathe, Balance.

What are Some Specific Signs It’s Time to Smudge?

We all know life has its ebbs and flows. Getting to know when the best time is to smudge for you can really help you through the peaks and valleys of high energy days and low energy. Sometimes people smudge before specific events, or just cleanse and smudge intuitively as needed.

Whether you seek focus, preparation + grounding for a big events, or a reset after challenging interactions, smudging adapts to your needs. Cleanse before important conversations, meetings, or after guests leave the home for an aura cleanse.

When it’s time to smudge and energy feels stuck or stale, this might manifest into a sense of congestion in your space, maybe a lack of clarity in thoughts when in the home, car, or office, or maybe even just a general feeling of heightened stress in and around your life. These subtle cues are signals from your environment, urging you to get to the bottom of whatever’s bothering you. Cleansing + smudging can really restore that balance and invite in positive energy when you need it most.

Even in those moments where you’re not in the position to dig deep, you know you can’t get to the bottom of it in the moment, smudge and cleanse it out, see how you feel, and give yourself grace.

Close Up of Woman's Face while Smelling Sage during Smudging of the Home

Where Should I Sage during Smudging?

Here are some common areas in which you’ll want to cleanse, smudge, and reset the energy often:

Cleansing Areas of the Home

Our homes are sacred havens! Smudging helps maintain those homey vibes and positive energies you cultivate. We can cleanse to feel comfortable calm and safe in our homes, our lives, and our bodies.

Cleansing areas of the home really helps keep energy fresh and light! We bring so much back home after a long day of work and social interactions. We also invite family and friends into the home often. This energy can linger and after a while it needs to be cleansed + refreshed! When smudging areas of the home, focus on common areas and bedrooms, paying attention to corners and small spaces where energy tends to linger + get stuck. Smudge when you feel a shift in the atmosphere, or after weekly cleaning to invite in fresh energy.

Smudging an Office Space

Smudging discreetly in the office is a true art – but it’s possible! Not everyone is keen on letting their coworkers know they’re the crazy sage crystal woo person. Opt for smudging alternatives like sage-infused sprays or other cleansing agents that don’t need to burn. Or maybe your workplace is open to smudging and you feel like its appropriate, and in that case, I would go crazy!

Smudging Personal/Creative Spaces

You can really nurture your personal and creative spaces by smudging regularly. If you’re an artist or creative, you know how important it is to enter this space with fresh energy every day. Whether it’s your meditation corner or art studio, smudging enhances the flow of positive energy and can positively impact your art! Smudge your creative space when inspiration feels blocked. Consider smudging after completing a significant project to mark a new beginning + switch up the energy flow for a totally new vibe.

Graphic Showing 3 Ways to Cleanse other than Sage: Palo Santo, Selenite, and Cedar

3 Other Ways to Smudge + Cleanse

Ready for ways to diversify your cleansing rituals? These additional cleansing agents are great alternatives to sage for cleansing! You may choose what you use to cleanse your space based on your current energy levels, your

1. Cleanse Using Crystals

Crystals can amplify the energy of sage smudging, and can also be used instead of sage! Selenite is known for its ability to cleanse and purify energy, making it a popular choice for removing negativity and promoting a sense of clarity and rejuvenation. To use Selenite for cleansing, you can place it in different areas of your space or use it to clear and recharge other crystals. You can also place crystals like clear quartz or amethyst in strategic locations to enhance positive vibes and protect your space. Look into which crystals may benefit you based on your needs or goals.

2. Smudge with Palo Santo

Often referred to as “Holy Wood,” Palo Santo shares similar cleansing properties with sage. Its sweet, grounding aroma uplifts your space, making it ideal for daily rituals or special occasions like a full moon cleanse or lunar eclipse! Palo Santo is particularly beneficial when you not only want to purify, but you’re also looking for a  sense of calm, relaxation, and heightened spiritual awareness. This makes Palo Santo a great choice to cleanse before meditation!

3. Use Cedar for Cleansing

Cedar serves as an excellent alternative to sage for home cleansing due to its grounding properties, purification abilities, connection to nature, calming aroma, and spiritual significance. It also smells amazing around the home!

Whether you choose cedar for its practical benefits or its symbolic meaning, it can contribute to creating a positive and refreshed energy within your space. When used in cleansing rituals, cedar can help anchor positive energy, creating a sense of stability and balance in the space.

Happy Cleansing!

Incorporating sage smudging into your routine unlocks a world of spiritual and energetic benefits. Experiment with different spaces and alternative methods to find what resonates best with you. Embrace the transformative power of sage, and may your spaces be forever filled with positivity and light.

Author: Elizabeth Weatherby, SBB

About: Elizabeth founded SBB in 2022 as an online space for users to find balance in a natural, approachable way. With interests in several holistic healing modalities and practices, coupled with her experience as a digital marketer, SEO strategist, and true digital nomad, out of this grew Sit, Breathe, Balance. Today SBB highlights holistic healers, practitioners, and studios in your area to make it easy to get involved with your community and access the resources you need to explore and inform your own healing practice. Learn more about her work at SBB.