Singing Bowls Outside on Blanket during Spiritual Practice

Returning to the Roots: Developing a Personal Practice

May 8, 2023

It seems like more and more people these days are returning to our primitive roots as human beings.

In a fast-paced world dominated by technology, materialism, and instant gratification… an intriguing phenomenon is taking place.

A growing number of people are consciously choosing to return to the roots of our primitive nature, and it’s not just the crystal girlies. Heck, it’s not even about the crystals. Don’t get me wrong, minerals are tremendously helpful in charging & enhancing our energy, but it’s about the intention. The why.

Returning to Our Roots

There’s no denying that people are seeking connection now more than ever.

This modern shift shows a deep desire to break free from the shackles of processed foods, relentless consumerism, and attention harvesting on social media. By embracing a spiritual practice or faith-based lifestyle, we’re rediscovering the benefits of simplicity, mindful living, and a more profound connection with ourselves and the world around us. Whether it’s a spiritual or sacred practice or not, people are returning to natural routines & mindful lifestyles.

So what does this mean for society? At its core, this collective resurgence represents a demand, for a more meaningful existence. As we become increasingly aware of the effects of technology, toxins, chemicals, and the list goes on– we’re embracing a return to what it truly means to be alive and well. We’re returning to natural remedies, whole foods, home birthing, gut and hormonal health, mindful movement, and looking to our ancestry for answers. We’re seeking alternative approaches to mental health and emotional well-being, and we’re returning to our primitive roots of community and shared consciousness. People are recognizing they don’t want to be just another cog in the wheel, or selling our souls to any mission but our own.

The desire to consume less, rid the impurities, and live a simple life is here to stay in 2023. This represents a commitment, a human need we’re reminded of again, to live in harmony with the planet and our people. This collective awakening has sparked a modern holistic revolution, prompting people to explore and integrate various spiritual practices. These holistic practices have helped so many people reach the depths of their beings, facilitating personal growth, inner peace, and a sense of interconnectedness with the larger universe among this tech driven, instantaneous world.

Relying on our Practice, Finding our Anchor

Our personal, spiritual practices can help us through so much in life. Again, whether spiritual or not, any routine or natural lifestyle that resonates can help us find our anchors. To rely on our practice is to feel at home in our own skin. It is to trust ourselves that no matter what happens, or no matter how far we may drift, we know we always have the ability to navigate back to center. That trust in self, trust in the universe, is vital for functioning in the world we live in today.

My millennials can for sure attest to this. In just the last 10-20 years, we’ve witnessed remarkable technological innovation & societal shifts that have transformed the world we live in. Amid this incredible shift, we have also realized that much of what we once held dear has been overshadowed or neglected.

Some say we’ve drifted from what truly matters, from what helps us thrive as humans, and what truly makes us feel alive. This might be why so many people are understanding the importance of having a personal practice—one that allows us to return to our essence, to find our center, and to ground ourselves in the chaos of the world. This practice becomes a sanctuary, a refuge where we can reconnect, enabling us to navigate the ebbs and flows of life with clarity, resilience, trust, and a deep sense of inner peace.

A Practice All Your Own: Making Your Own Rules

The beauty of a spiritual or personal practice lies in its potential to nurture and guide us on the journey of self-discovery. By practicing mindfulness, sticking to a routine, meditation, or other faith-based rituals, we can develop a heightened sense of self-awareness, gaining insight into our purpose, and explore the relationship between mind, body, and soul. And these practices can be totally our own. People are finding success with getting back to the roots by dropping any preconceived notions, dropping any “rules” and creating their own personal practice. This means incorporating whatever modalities speak to us, and making it work for ourselves, whatever that looks like. Gone are the rigid expectations surrounding what a spiritual or personal practice should look like.

The best part is, there are really no rules for this. Intention you place on your practice is everything.

Intention we place on our practice means everything. It’s our why. Our reason for doing. Forming a strong personal practice gives us a built-in guiding compass, supporting us in navigating life’s challenges, finding solace in times of uncertainty, and fostering a deep connection and appreciation of this life.

Embracing a practice offers a transformative path towards leading a more authentic, purposeful, and harmonious life.

Where to Start with Developing a Personal, Spiritual Practice

If you’re called to form a stronger practice, and want to develop a routine or some personal traditions to help you work towards your goals, here are some ideas to get started:

Research and Explore

Begin by researching various spiritual practices that interest you. Read books, watch videos, and explore resources to gain knowledge about different modalities that might interest you. If this is reiki, start exposing yourself to some Youtube videos. See what it’s all about. Read some articles. If this is crystal healing for you, read up on some crystals surrounding your imbalance to figure out why certain crystals might be calling you. Exposing yourself to the resources will help you understand different types of principles, techniques, philosophies and mantras. Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. Not everything will be for you, and what’s for you won’t be for everyone.

Start with Meditation

Meditation is a foundational part of practice that can support you along just about any step of your journey in life. Begin by setting aside a few minutes each day for quiet reflection and stillness. Think about what you’re called towards, and set exploratory intentions on each meditation sessions. Drop your guard and release inhibitions. Experiment with different meditation techniques such as breath awareness, guided meditations, or mantra repetition. Find a method that resonates with you and gradually increase the duration of your practice. Meditation can overall help us think more clearly to make the best decisions for ourselves.

Attend Workshops or Classes

Get involved with the community. Seek out local workshops, classes, or retreats on spiritual practices you’re interested in. Find a yoga studio near your that offers a new class you wouldn’t try otherwise. These structured environments provide guidance, support, and the opportunity to learn from experienced practitioners. This way, a new experience is less anxiety ridden, because you’ve got people there to support you. The most important thing to take from this is you don’t have to be alone on the first step of your journey. Workshops and classes can deepen your understanding and offer practical techniques to incorporate into your daily life, and find what flows for you.

Find a Practitioner, Coach or Mentor

If you feel drawn to a specific spiritual practice, consider finding a teacher or mentor who can guide you. See what readings and sessions are all about. Practitioners of this energy work can offer personalized instruction, answer your questions, and provide valuable insights that may be just what you need. These gifted energy workers can see the world in a way we can’t, and can help us see things we’re unaware of within ourselves, dropping the ego and embracing the love. Look for experienced practitioners in your community, or explore online platforms like SBB that connect seekers with mentors.

Create a Sacred Space

Designate a specific area in your home as a sacred space for your spiritual practice. Whether this is an alter, a shelf, or a window sill, anything will be perfect. Decorate it with items that hold personal significance, such as crystals, statues, candles, or meaningful symbols. This space will serve as a physical representation of your intention and provide a peaceful environment for your practice. When you have a physical space to practice, and items in your aura field that can help you tap in spiritually, this can be wildly helpful. There are so many things that can help us cleanse and find balance, like herbs, crystals, singing bowls and more.

Experiment with Different Modalities

Explore various modalities and techniques to find what resonates with you. Try different practices and observe how they make you feel. From a restorative yoga class to breathwork to ice plunging–allow yourself to be open-minded and follow your curiosity. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, so trust your instincts as you explore.

Trust Your Intuition

Listen to your inner guidance and trust your intuition when exploring different spiritual practices. It’s not for nothing that you’re reading this, taking the next step, and looking to learn more. Trust that intuition. Know that you’re putting the energy to action. And don’t hold yourself to unrealistic expectations — your practice doesn’t have to be something you do every day, but find the balance in the frequency. Practice when you’re called. Trust yourself to flow in whichever direction you’re meant to. Be mindful of what resonates with you on a deep level. Allow yourself to be drawn towards practices, techniques, or modalities that feel aligned with your values, beliefs, and personal preferences. Drop your hesitations & lean in to all that is meant for you.

Consistency and Discipline

Nothing happens overnight. The actual change and benefit that comes from trying to work with a consistent practice depends on your intentions.  Developing a spiritual practice requires consistency and discipline. Set aside regular time each day or week to engage with resources or meditation. Don’t stress yourself out, but invest the time, and actually do it when you want to, because you know it’s the next step for you. Treat it as a sacred commitment to yourself and prioritize it in your daily routine. This consistency will help you deepen your connection to routine, allowing your body to get comfortable enough to make clear decisions day to day and live a balanced life.

Reflect and Journal

Keep a journal to record your experiences, insights, and observations as you discover your spirituality. Reflect on your practice, the shifts you notice within yourself, and any synchronicities or signs that may occur. Journaling can help you track your progress and gain a deeper understanding of your spiritual path. Journal notes are also amazing to reflect back on after massive growth, and witness these perspective shifts in real time.

Trust the Process

Lastly, trust that the practice you choose will unfold in its own time and unique way for you. Your mind is a muscle, and it will take time to find something you’re called to, adapt, and see the benefits of healthy habits and personal practice. What you see is a reflection of yourself: if you want to make change and transform your life, you will. Be patient with yourself and embrace the journey of finding what works for you. Keep trying until you find something that feels right, fits right, and is meant for you. You’ll know it when you feel it! As you continue to explore and deepen your practice, notice how it positively impacts your overall well-being, inner peace, and sense of connection. Then, game on, you have a tool to retreat, a healthy safe haven when the going gets rough. Breathe in, breathe out.


Author: Elizabeth Weatherby

About: Elizabeth founded SBB in 2021 as an online space for users to find balance in a natural, approachable way. SBB highlights holistic healers, practitioners, studios and resources. User can connect with community and access resources they need to strengthen their own integrated practice. Elizabeth is Crystal Healing certified, Usui Reiki Level 1 certified, and subscribes to various spiritual healing practices & modalities. Learn more about her work at SBB.