Circle Graphic Reading: "Top 10 Spiritual Healing & Personal Growth Podcasts" - SBB

Top 10 Spiritual Healing & Personal Growth Podcasts to Try

July 24, 2023

In an era where screens dominate our everyday lives and scrolling consumes most of our time, listening to a podcast can be suuuuuch a breath of fresh air.

When you find a podcast you really like, there is honestly no other feeling. When you connect with a certain host, it’s like coming back to your safe little sanctuary, personal community of just you and them, and it can easily become your ‘you’ time. Self-growth and healing podcasts have become a huge resource tool for so many. In the times you want to just relax, immerse yourself in a topic, but might not want to engage with others in the moment, podcasts are great for this. You can likely find a podcast episode on whatever personal growth or spiritual healing topic you want to learn more about. Spotify and Apple Music are their own little search engines these days. You can find great profound results when you treat these streaming apps the same way you’d approach Google for resources and support.

Finding the Right Podcast

Podcasts can be incredible for the deeper moments, the moments you’re ready to expand, learn and grow. If these are the types of shows you’re looking to try, you’re in the right place. Today there are so many great podcasts out there, so how do you find the one for you? It’s super simple: trial and error baby. Try a new podcast with an open mind. Not only does this help with the brain’s neuro plasticity, but it’s a refreshing way to enrich your daily exploration in your practice. These long-form conversations with the right people + guests can help us conceptualize larger topics of healing + growth. Through storytelling, interviews, humor, lighter and deeper conversations, there’s something to be said about directing intention inward and actively listening to topics like this. In the moments you’re ready for that deep introspection, you’re going to love this list of 10 shows.

Why Podcasts as a Resource?

Sometimes, silence and stillness is the best medicine, and doing nothing is really the best practice. In the moments you’re looking to engage, welcome new podcasts when you’re ready to explore. And don’t force it if podcasts aren’t your cup of tea as a resource. There are so many channels and avenues to access healing resources, so if you’re not an auditory person, don’t force it. Maybe you won’t get what you need out of a 2-hour podcast. Or, maybe that’s just what you need without realizing: something to focus, slow yourself, and settle the mind with some self-healing chatter. Either way, as with any healing method, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. Sometimes 5 minutes is all it takes to get inspired. Maybe you need to challenge yourself & your brain with trying something new. Maybe you need to find a new way to intake information. If this is you, this article will be perfect for you. Find your flow, and again, take what resonates and leave what doesn’t.

We’ve handpicked a selection of our top favorite spiritual podcasts. These are bound to ignite your curiosity, nourish the soul, and help you on your journey of self-discovery and transformation. Without further ado, give these podcasts a try. Let the simple power of listening guide you towards a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

Graphic highlighting Healing the Source Podcast, Hosted by Claudia Gilani - SBB

1. Healing the Source Podcast

Had to start off STRONG with Claudia Gilani’s podcast. Healing the Source pod is incredible for all things holistic living. If you follow Healing the Source on IG, you’ll find tons of natural alternatives, highlights of toxins in our everyday to look out for, and various tips to unlocking a harmonious, holistic lifestyle. She highlights some useful holistic remedies that help you heal from within; from sauna use to herbs to EMF blockers and more. These podcast discussions are very much similar to the type of content Claudia posts. In her podcast and on her stories, she’s always highlighting how putting the power of healing in our own hands can be life-changing. From natural whole foods to herbal remedies, find everything holistic living on Healing the Source. She’s always got some incredible guests on, so be sure to check her out. She’s also got some amazing clear skin tea for sale on her Etsy–if you’ve seen SBB reels on these, you know we love this stuff!!

Graphic Highlighting the SelfHealers Sounboard, Hosted by Dr. Nicole LePera + Jenna Weakland - SBB

2. SelfHealers Soundboard

You probably know and love The Holistic Psychologist on IG with her amazing content. It seems like she’s popping up everywhere these days and we are LOVING it — so happy to see so many people subscribing to and resonating with her work. This is Dr. Nicole LePera, Author, Psychologist, and creator of the SelfHealers Circle. The SelfHealers Circle is an online platform that is committed to making these healing tools accessible. If you haven’t checked this out, definitely add this site to your research. Subscribe to the private online community for tons of resources, tools, monthly challenges, live Q+As and so much more to help you on your healing journey. With virtual workshops, engaging with like-minded thinkers, exploring a huge content library, and so much more, this platform is seriously an incredible place. With all that being said, you can probably guess what the SelfHealers Soundboard is like. Dr. Nicole LePera & Jenna Weakland bring you amazing self-healing conversation on topics like mind body soul connection, getting out of that “stuck” feeling, and the work we’re all doing to become the best version of ourselves. Give this one a listen for sure. You can also watch on Youtube!

Graphic Highlighting Wake the Fake Up podcast, Hosted by Chervin Jafarieh - SBB

3. Wake the Fake Up

AHH this is such a good one. Chervin Jafarieh is the Founder & Chief Scientific Officer at Cymbiotika, a company you probably know if you’re into plant medicine & supplements! They make all natural + organic supplements and offer tons of other stuff, truly chef’s kiss. (Definitely check out their products if you haven’t. Find supplements targeting areas from gut health & brain health to anti-inflammatories, detox, energy & more).

Chervin also hosts the Wake the Fake Up podcast, and it’s definitely one you won’t want to miss. He brings on expert guests in fields of eastern & western medicine, finance, nutrition, sustainable living, plant medicine and so much more. The common connection with all these podcasts is their goal to deepen the connection with the self– and you won’t be disappointed if this is one you decide to try. Looking inward, really pulling out the root cause of an imbalance, and tackling it at the source through natural and organic remedies is really well highlighted by Chervin. He does really well highlighting the ideas we’re all looking to learn more about, but not everyone is comfortable enough talking about. Scinece-backed info here all the way. Listening really is like waking the f*ck up to something new each episode. Every 60-90 min episode is an incredible journey back towards a natural approach to healing, self-connection, and taking control of your health and wellness to live your best life.

Graphic Highlighting the Lauren of Love Podcast, Hosted by Lauren Eliz Love

4. The Lauren of Love Podcast

For a podcast all things healing & spiritual expansion, this podcast is unmatched. The Lauren of Love podcast is hosted by Lauren Eliz Love, a very well known self-healing mentor in the spiritual community. This podcast puts self improvement & spiritual ascension center stage for women looking to level up. Lauren discusses topics ranging from personal development in business, finances, spirituality and life’s flow. This one will really help you step into your power and embrace who you are on your soul mission. Following Lauren on IG is a beautiful daily dose of self-love and reminders that keep you grounded. If you’re called to do more work with Lauren, she offers tons of different types courses and masterclasses on spiritual healing! Find her online community by joining the Soul Portal Membership for monthly member perks and other healing resources to shape your practice. If a class isn’t for you, book a 1:1 session with her, look into her retreats, or follow to get inspired by IG content. She’s got so much to share & give back to her community, we’re super thankful she’s here to share her gifts.

Graphic Highlighting For the Healthy Hoes Podcast, Hosted by Hosted by Ria Turner + Sunset Tim

5. For the Healthy Hoes

Ri Turner + Sunset Tim are up to something over there. For the Healthy Hoes is such a nice mix of realistic conversations & fun banter about all things mindfulness, connectivity & self awareness. They frame certain concepts and ideas so well, in a way that feels approachable & comfortable to explore. A concept you may have thought to be so big picture, so esoteric, is put in such a way that feels familiar, like you’ve chatted this with your best friend the day before, like it’s a narrative you’ve already been living. “YES that’s exactly how I’ve been trying to explain that”, is something I find myself saying frequently as I listen to recent episodes. Really loving this one lately.

Graphic Highlighting the Almost 30 Podcast, Hosted by Krista Williams + Lindsey Simcik

6. Almost 30

Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik, LA-based BFFs, host the Almost 30 Podcast, bringing you on a true journey of what it means to be a modern day spiritual person. With real, honest, and hilarious conversation, these girls are super fun to tune in to. They bring on some amazing guests who you’re definitely apt to learn from, follow, and love their work. Almost 30 dives deep into themes of navigating spirituality in a modern world, tying into business, work, life, love, friendships, relationships, psychedelics, living your purpose, various mental health topics, and so much more. You’re bound to find an episode that interests you. These girls really have a way of framing these concepts as approachable, making you feel comfortable in your own skin, and inviting enough for you to visualize yourself living out these truths. This pod is a great balance between the deep-diving subjects, and the light and airy listening. A few episodes of Almost 30 could easily make this your new favorite podcast, trust us.

If the SelfHealers Soundboard interested you (#2 on our list), or if you already know + love Dr. Nicole LePera from The Holistic Psychologist, she was on the Almost 30 Podcast twice! Here’s our favorite episode to check out.

Graphic highlighting the Your Own Magic Podcast, Hosted by Raquelle Mantra

7. Your Own Magic

As soon as you hit play on your next episode, you’re immediately launched into the most zen soundscapes with the intro to this podcast. The light rain, the ethereal vocals, I just love the way I feel when I get in the zone to listen to an episode of YOM. Hosted by Raquelle Mantra, this podcast says it in its name. When you’re deepening connection with the self and unleashing your own personal magic, this is the podcast for you. “For the creative and the curious soul.” If you’re a newbie to exploring your personal power & “your own magic”, this will be one you really enjoy. Raquelle chats with visionaries, artists, authors, guides, healers, and entrepreneurs about all things consciousness, life transformations, spiritual healing, and the beautiful mystical world we live in. Some episodes of this podcast really help you arrive at what it means to be alive to you, what you’re passionate about, and even what your next step may be for you on your journey. The Your Own Magic website also has tons of free meditations and resources, definitely check those out. She’s also made a really cool Facebook group that you can join to collaborate & engage with likeminded healers & magical beings.

Graphic highlighting The Positive Head Podcast, Hosted by Brandon Beachum

8.  The Positive Head Podcast

Host Brandon Beachum brings you deep conversations with healers, thought leaders, and change makers in the realm of self-growth and spirituality. Brandon is always interviewing someone new who is doing the work, helping you get inspired to tap into your own frequency along your soul mission. Each episode is like a fountain of fresh ideas and unique insights to explore and apply in your own practice. Find episodes on topics surrounding human design, the power of breath, claiming your abundance, leaning in to your soul’s desires, embodying your spirituality, mindfulness and meditation, energy healing, quantum physics & ascension, consciousness, self love, and the mind-body connection.

The Positive Head Podcast is one of those shows that always has you stopping, pausing, going back, and listening to something again. This is probably due to thoughtful curation and time dedicated to highlighting these people and resources through clips, quotes, and thought-provoking snippets. This podcast is definitely all about grabbing and embracing those nuggets of wisdom, taking note of what resonates, and finding a safe space within this newfound knowledge. The Positive Head will undoubtedly lead you to a fresh perspective on growth and consciousness with every episode. Highly recommended.

Graphic highlighting the Miss Mystic Podcast, Hosted by Alea Lovely

9.  Miss Mystic – Spin Off of Spiritual Sh*t with Alea Lovely

AHH this new podcast is seriously such a beautiful one. Your spiritual auntie is here to help you through all things along your spiritual journey: recognizing your intuition, understanding your energy, manifestation, trust, soulmates, the list goes on. Miss Mystic is a spin off of Alea’s other podcast, Spiritual Sh*t, and this one does not disappoint. (Spiritual Shi*t has some really great episodes too, so be sure to go back in the archive and check those out). As a spiritual advisor, our girl is back with beautiful energy & information from source to share with us. If you’re looking to get in touch with your higher self as an intuitive, spiritual healer, psychic, etc., this is the podcast for you! If you’re otherwise looking to deepen your connection with the universe, this is also an awesome choice. Alea answers questions that you can write in to her, so you’re seeing what others are navigating on their personal spiritual journey, and that can be so so helpful to relate to.

Alea says, “I’ll take you on a ride to the depths of your soul to see what’s beyond our world’s physical limitations, to a viewpoint where the physical meets the magical…”

Graphic highlighting the podcast Inner Work: A Spiritual Growth Podcast - SBB

10. Inner Work: A Spiritual Growth Podcast

Join host Josephine Hardman, PhD, a second-generation intuitive healer & Akashic Record Practitioner, on a journey of auditory self-discovery. Josephine is The Inner Work podcast really helps you do the inner work. Prepare for insightful conversations and interviews that dive deep into the realms of spirituality, energy work, healing, and connecting with the divine. In June, Josephine did a 30-Day Authenticity Challenge that was super cool to tune in to.

On March 29, she released an episode AWAKENING: Journey with me into the Akashic Records. This is a great episode to introduce Akashic Records to your practice if you’ve been interested in learning more. As an Akashic Records Practitioner, Josephine offers deep insight into her practice & how she got started giving readings. This episode also offers a guided resource that you can buy & download from her site, which includes a 40-minute audio that guides you into meditative state. As Josephine guides you, you get a deep sense of your own Akashic Record Book to inform your healing practice surrounding this knowledge. This gives you the opportunity to really connect and experience your Akashic Records in a comfortable, approachable way for the first time. I HIGHLY recommend checking this out along with other similar resources of hers for self-healing.

Josephine also has a free Akashic Records Intro you can download, and if you’re super into that, check out her Akashic Records certification program.

Let Us Know What You Try!

Whether you’re super engaged, or you want some background audio that’s helpful & inspiring, tap in to the power of “passive listening”. Podcasts, audiobooks, and even Youtube videos provide the flexibility to multitask and explore new topics in your own way. Whether you’re walking, cooking or commuting, you can listen to podcasts allowing you to relax and unwind while expanding your horizons and exploring topics on your terms.  This combination of relaxation and learning makes podcasts an excellent tool for personal growth and exploration.

Did we miss any? Let us know if we missed your favorite. We’ll add it to the list 😉

Author: Elizabeth Weatherby, SBB

About: Elizabeth founded SBB in 2022 as an online space for users to find balance in a natural, approachable way. With interests in several holistic healing modalities and practices, coupled with her experience as a digital marketer, SEO strategist, and true digital nomad, out of this grew Sit, Breathe, Balance. Today SBB highlights holistic healers, practitioners, and studios in your area to make it easy to get involved with your community and access the resources you need to explore and inform your own healing practice. Learn more about her work at SBB.