Graphic with Ribbon and scissors reading "the power of cord cutting" with crystals on grid in background

Release & Renew with Energetic Cord Cutting

November 30, 2023

Ever felt like there’s certain emotions tying you to the past, influencing how you feel and react? And when this somehow comes up, you often feel “triggered?” Getting to the root of those triggers might have something to do with some old energetic cords that need to be cut!

What is Cord Cutting?

Throughout the ebbs and flows of life, we create certain “energetic cords” that connect us to major times, emotions, people, places, and beliefs we once had.

As we grow, we learn, change and evolve every single day. The things we believe in, the people we’re around, and our environments completely change as the years of our lives continue to bloom.

It only makes sense that we shed our skin, come out of our cocoons, and trim what no longer is needed. We cut the dead ends. But sometimes certain energy has a way of continuing to linger.

And that’s when we can dive deep, meditate on what’s going on there, and CUT that cord for good.

Getting to Know your Energetic Cords

One way to cleanse energy quickly in the moment is called energetic cord cutting. Cord cutting meditations or exercises are a powerful technique loved by many among various types of energetic healing modalities. In this resource, we’ll explore what cord cutting is, why it is helpful, and when you should consider incorporating this into your routine. Keep reading for steps to try your own cord cutting ritual!

Often used in energy healing, cord cutting is a mindfulness exercise rooted in the idea that energetic cords connect us to people, places, or situations. These situations or dynamics may influence us, may latch onto us, or may infiltrate our energy fields. But by the time we no longer want them around, they may be deeply rooted in there, tough to budge.

When we’re ready to disconnect from that energy entirely, a cord cutting ritual is perfect for this. This type of ritual involves heavy visualization of these energetic cords coming from the body. The specific placements we feel these cords stem from, or the main chakra points these ties exist, can really tell us a lot about what we’re dealing with & how to release it.

First-Time Trying Cord Cutting

If you’re just jumping in to cord cutting, you’ll definitely want to try this for the first time in a quiet space to yourself. Once you’ve practiced a few times, you may decide how you want to use this technique in your own way. Your first cord cutting exercise may bring up some emotional stuff, so if you’re looking for more support, try this meditation with a practitioner and lean on your community! Since it’s a visual/meditation technique, all you really need to try cord cutting is a moment of personal reflection, and an openness to whatever may come up.

Graphic with Definition of Cord Cutting reading: What is Cord Cutting?

Who Utilizes Cord Cutting? Cord Cutting is for EVERYONE!

Cord cutting is used by anyone seeking a holistic approach to mental and emotional health & wellbeing. It is commonly found in energy practices such as reiki, chakra balancing, and other practices that recognize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and soul. Holistic therapists, life coaches, intuitives, and those on a personal growth journey often incorporate cord cutting into routines.

Why Cord Cutting?

Think of cord cutting as a fresh start, wiping your old energetic ties clean. It’s like finally dropping a heavy backpack full of old memories, experiences, and things still lingering in our subconscious that are ready to be set free.

It’s a simple, yet freeing and empowering moment when you realize you’re not tied to the things are no longer for you.

Here are a few main reasons you may try cord cutting:

Emotional Release:

The visualization of cutting energetic cords allows us to release any old emotional attachment

Boundaries and Empowerment:

Cord cutting promotes healthy boundaries, empowering us to take control of our lives and speak our truth when needed

Stress Reduction:

By severing these old connections to people, things and situations that are no longer for us, cord cutting reduces stress and anxiety surrounding certain these past memories & experiences


As we’re releasing this energy and cutting cords, we’re coming back to center, and finding our balance again


When to Use Cord Cutting

Cord cutting can be like a breath of fresh air, or a weight lifted off our shoulders when we realize we don’t have to stay connected to EVERYTHING we’ve experienced in life.

We can utilize cord cutting in any moment, right in the moment, or days, months, years after something may be weighing on us. These exercises are really all what we make them and can be based however we see fit.

Here are some situations you may find yourself leaning on cord cutting for healing & balance:

  • Ending a toxic relationship of any kind
  • Recovering from a betrayal
  • Overcoming deeply-rooted trauma
  • Letting go of deep feelings of guilt or regret
  • Boundary setting in relationships
  • Getting a new job: Energetic detox from a past workplace
  • Purging lingering energy from a certain environment or situation
  • At the end of a bad day or bad conversation
  • Coping with major changes or life transitions

As you can tell by this list, sometimes we use cord cutting for a more an energetic release approach, and sometimes it’s best used for cutting off that situational energy that you can just feel lingering in your aura field.

When you need to put a HARD stop to whatever it is you’re moving past, cord cutting is a beautiful, peaceful and personal way to do so.

Graphic Showing Quick Benefits of Cord Cutting - SBB

Forming your Own Practice: Trying a Cord Cutting Ritual or Meditation

The way you go about your own cord cutting ritual may depend on what you’re cutting old energetic ties with.

If you’re having a bad day and you’ve had an energetic overload, you may find yourself cutting cords in the front seat of your car! It really all depends on your goals in the moment.

If you’re healing and cutting deep-rooted energies, cord cutting might be best done for you in a calm, quiet space when you have the extended time.

As mentioned above, if you’re new to this — lean on your community of healers and practitioners for support. You can definitely book with any kind of intuitive, ask them about cord cutting, and describe what you’ve been feeling. If you can’t pinpoint what’s going on, they can definitely help with an intuitive body scan, reiki session, and various other types of energy work.

With that being said, cord cutting can be done in meditation, with a quick drop in, in a ritual form, or in support with a practitioner. You also may find yourself loving cord cutting, and doing it annually as a personal celebration or cleansing ritual with the new year. The beauty of it, yet again, the choice is yours!

Step by Step Cord Cutting Ritual to Try

1. Prepare and Center:

Find a quiet space, sit or lie down comfortably, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Consider setting crystals by your side. Cleanse space before beginning.

2. Identify Energetic Cords:

Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Think about these energetic cords coming from the chakra points. Imagine these extending from your body to people, situations, or emotions that no longer serve you.

3. Visualize & Set Intentions:

Continue to visualize & meditate on why these people, situations, or emotions are no longer for you. Speak your truth out loud, chant a chosen mantra if desired, and set your intentions as these emotions and experiences leave your energetic field. Prepare to cut all cords extending to these situations, people, places, or beliefs.

4. Cut the Cords:

State your release out loud again. Envision a tool like scissors or knife cutting clean through each cord.  It sometimes helps to swipe your arms across your body to get the energy physically moving. Swipe across your chest, above your head, and near your feet. When you feel you’ve cleared your energy and fully cut your cord, return to your comfortable position for continued breath.

5. Breath in Energy Returning:

Focus your breath. On each inhale, visualize breathing in all the released energy returning to you in a whole new light. Let this new energy start filling the space you cleansed in your energy field. Visualize a white healing light surrounding and protecting you. Visualize a new cord, a strong, powerful, nurturing cord connecting you to the divine, replenishing this area of your life with powerful downloads from your guides. Your truth!

6. Express Gratitude and Ground:

Thank the connections for their lessons, acknowledging the space for new energy to enter. Gently return to the present, feel grounded, and take a moment to reflect or journal.


Author: Elizabeth Weatherby, SBB

About: Elizabeth founded SBB in 2022 as an online space for users to find balance in a natural, approachable way. With interests in several holistic healing modalities and practices, coupled with her experience as a digital marketer, SEO strategist, and true digital nomad, out of this grew Sit, Breathe, Balance. Today SBB highlights holistic healers, practitioners, and studios in your area to make it easy to get involved with your community and access the resources you need to explore and inform your own healing practice. Learn more about her work at SBB.